Saturday, September 26, 2020

What's Next?

During the past year we've counted down Your Top 200 All-Time Favorite Summer Hits ...

As well as The Top 3333 Most Essential Classic Rock Songs Of All-Time ... ...

So what can possibly be next?

Well, NORMALLY this month would have seen the launch of the brand new television season ...

But, thanks to Covid-19, the entire world has been knocked off its axis and production on the new television season has just started up again.

(That means that instead of November Sweeps this year, we'll be experiencing November Premiers instead.)

So we thought, since we've all been home watching more TV than ever, why not take another look at Your Favorite TV Themes of All-Time?

(We last ran this poll in 2013 ... so it probably needs a bit of updating anyway.)

And, just like with our recent Summer Favorites Poll, we're removing all year restrictions, meaning you can vote for ALL of your favorites, from the beginning of time to last season if you like.

(Now I think we'll all agree that they just don't make TV Themes like they used to ... but there have still been enough catchy themes over the past 25 years that are worth  considering.)

So, let's have some fun with this one!

The polls officially open today ... and will remain open for six weeks (until November 7th)

And let's face it ... this "election" is going to be a WHOLE lot more fun than that OTHER election that'll be going on right around that same time!

Life in 2020 has been scarier than most Twilight Zone episodes ... (and you can bet that THAT theme will earn its share of votes!) ... 

So spread the word ... and get out and vote!!!

(And, just like we've always said here in Chicago, Vote Early and Vote Often!!!)

If you're ranking your selections in favorites order, please note this on your ballot.

Just email it to ... and then watch for the final results to be revealed over the November 21st and 22nd Weekend.  (We're hoping to have some radio tie-ins for you to listen to as well ... so, as they say in TV lingo, stay tuned for that!)

Need some ideas ...

Just check out the results of our last poll here: 

No year restrictions???

Does that mean that "This is the theme to Garry's show, the opening theme to Garry's show ... this is the music that you hear as you watch the credits" could win???