Friday, June 23, 2023

Back-To-Back Reviews from Shelley (Part Two)

Sunday was James Paul McCartney's 81st birthday. Saturday, I spent with The Fab Four. Sunday, I spent with Peter Asher and Jeremy Clyde.  I do believe that without spending the days with Paul himself, I could not have gotten any closer to him. I had a Sixties Music experience that was very diverse and yet took me to heights that kept me up toooooo late both nights. (I just could not sleep after each concert!) The music performed was all from the same decade and yet, so different. Much written by the same composer(s) and yet different genres. This was the 60's! Music IS subjective and the 60's offered up all music as being viable and worthy of attention. Whether it continued to draw people to it, then became a choice. That is truly no different from any other time in history ... OR ... should be no different. However, the 60's, was more open in many ways and it allowed for differences to become the norm and it was a start to more acceptance in general. We still have a long way to go. Excuse me, I need a hand getting off my soapbox. Thank you!

I climb to my balcony seat and am the first to arrive there. Looking down, I see Peter and Jeremy in a meet-n-greet- talking, taking photos, and signing peoples' important memorabilia. There was a 2:00 pm show. I am here for the 6:00 pm show. The view of the stage is great. I am in the first row and see the piano, guitars, mics, back screen very clearly. Now, I just watch and wait. Jeff Alan Ross and Peter Asher do a stage check after the guests leave and then all is quiet. UNTIL they open the doors. 
The night is filled with informality, British humour and politeness, stories, stories, stories, and songs relating to the stories. How do you put a show like this together? Well, Peter and Jeremy get together and decide what songs they want to sing; remembering that they came from two different groups and charted on two sides of the pond differently. Then, of course, there are the stories you want to tell, the stories your audience wants to hear, and the stories you wish to avoid, but need to take the high road and be the first one to bring them up, knowing that your audience will not let them get away without recognition. They have changed the show so that if you have seen them before, they just may have some surprises for you. Go see them again. Oh, don't worry! That story you just loved is still in the show! 
The musical foundation for the British Invasion came from America. They loved the shipped in 45's, adopted them, tweeked and stylized them to their liking and spit them back at us in a new format. We said, "Way Kool!" (although at the time we spelled it "cool," and eventually jumped on the word "fab.") One of the biggest influences in Britain was Buddy Holly. I love Buddy Holly songs and when I found out that this man had passed before I jumped on the R&R bandwagon (and here I thought I was progressive at age 7), I was wowed even more by someone who was continuing to have a large effect on the music scene. So, opening with 'It Doesn't Matter Anymore' (a Peter and Gorden song) seemed just right. Wait a minute! Buddy DID record that song and it was great, but surprisingly he didn't write it. Paul Anka did. I have not seen Mr. Anka on tour in years so I don't know if he ever performs it. Seems unlikely given his Vegas show style. The song lends itself to the Chad and Jeremy/Peter and Gordon style much better. 
I want to go through every story and every song telling you all the connections, but I also want to keep some mystery around this show. They just may come near to you and first-hand is always best. (if they don't, you are welcome to contact me and I will fill you in EmojiEmoji) So let me start summarizing the songs and stories. 
Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran - Oh listen to this one online and you will get the connection to this show. Of course, there is an additional connection to one of tonight's performers.

Acting careers may start early or be deadly, but they provide much in the way of background and foreground here.

Has Keith Richard ever been young? Prove it gentlemen!

Heartbreak Hotel - Jeremy has a link to George Harrison and of course there is another Elvis song that Peter and Gordon recorded:

All Shook Up - slowed down so it can become just right for Peter and Gordon (and audience participation is appropriately placed "ugh")

Lady Godiva - After our warm-up on 'All Shook Up,' we nailed this one! Peter, I remembered all the words!

I Go To Pieces - sounds like Buddy Holly, but the praise in writing goes to Del Shannon. Peter and Gordon did well here, too.

I Don't Want No Other Baby But You - a skiffle song recorded by The Vipers and others (like Paul McCartney), which was beautifully recorded by Chad and Jeremy. I know that Chad and Jeremy and Peter and Gordon did beautiful recordings because I have them all. 

Willow Weep For Me - a 1932 song that Chad and Jeremy were coerced into finding and recording to keep them lovable to girls and their moms.
It also played a role in their appearance on The Dick Van Dyke Show.

I Don't Want To See You Again - appropriate for the end of the first act? No ... they DO want us to return. This is another James Paul McCartney song. Whatever happened to him? 


There is a quiet support by Peter and Jeremy for each other. As Jeremy sings, Peter walks softly to his mic when it is time, and joins in. Or picks up a shaker can, to add subtle rhythm. Jeremy will be sitting on a stool off to the side and rises, with his guitar, to join Peter as predetermined. Jeff Ross is on piano and guitar, switching to the needed instruments and providing "Page" assistance to deliver instruments to Peter. It just all works with no shows of ego. 

Distant Shores - I love this song. I can feel the sea, the breeze, the romance. Apparently Catwoman never cared for it, as she stole the voices of Chad and Jeremy as they sang this song. Hooray for Batman and Robin! BIF!! POW!!

In The Summertime - hmmmm ... Roger Miller song? Red Skelton show? Come see for yourself.Emoji

For A While There - Jeremy has been working on his 'Bottom Drawer Sessions.' These are unfinished/unrecorded songs by he, Chad and their friends that he finally decided to go through, finish and record on cds. This song is one of these and it is just beautiful. Since these songs are newly released, and many of you have not heard them, let me include opening lyrics for this one.

WOW to the lyricist!

Yesterday's Gone - Chad and Jeremy's first big hit (how to follow this 0ne?)

Nobody I Know - Peter and Gordon again benefit from this guy named McCartney. Oh yeah! Happy Birthday again!

A Summer Song - Ringo and the panel of Top of the Pops voted this one a "MISS."  However, Ringo then qualified by saying that it was too soft for the UK, but most likely could become a hit in the USA. I will take the soft personae and run with it. I am ever the romantic.

A World Without Love - Paul's first gift and our last song; sung communally.  I love hearing this song, love singing this song, hate leaving this show.

James Paul McCartney, this is your best birthday weekend I have ever spent!

Shelley J Sweet-Tufano
NE Correspondent
Forgotten Hits