Sunday, July 7, 2024

Chuck Buell Gives Us Something To Look Forward To!

Leave it to our resident Dr. Science, Chuck Buell, to always keep things on the Bright Side in Forgotten Hits ...


Today he brings us this important announcement ...


As Linda has heard me say many times on a Bright Summer Day, “I’ve waited all Winter for a Sunny Day like today!”  Imagine her surprise to find out that just about all of the Earth’s Entire Population will be basking in a certain degree of Sunshine tomorrow!  ( True! )


Tomorrow, Monday, July 8th, at 7:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 6:15 AM Central Daylight Time, 5:15 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 4:15 AM Pacific Time, and for those of you in Hawaii and Alaska, well, you better than I can figure out the synchronized time, there’ll be a temporary, 60-second, CB worldwide directive in effect against using the excuse, “Wow. I’m sorry. I was completely ‘in the Dark’ about that!”


Because the Odds are, you won’t be!


At any given moment, half the world is in Darkness while the other half is in Daylight. One might immediately deduce that would mean half the World’s Population is therefore in Darkness while the other half is not at any given moment.


But that’s not the case.


And that’s simply because of the disproportionate number of the world’s highly populated areas versus the lesser populated regions.


What that means is that a Full 99% of the entire world’s population, or almost everybody, will experience Daylight at the Same Time today!


In those parts where that lonely one percent will be left in the Dark without Sunshine, the sky will turn black covering their area in a total blackout!  Bright, Blinding Flashes of Sheet  Lightning will fill the sky sending down Gigantic, Fiery Yellow Lightning Bolts randomly striking the ground followed by Rolling Ear-Piercing Rumbling Thunder!


( OK, I might have made that last line up, but the other part of the story IS true.  It happens every July. )


And finally, remember ~~~ A day without Sunshine is like, well, night!


And with that, attached is my “Chuck Buell Moment of Sunshine Minute Medley!”


CB ( which stands for “Coruscation Boy!” )

So it looks like little Annie was right ...

The sun WILL come out tomorrow!!! 


7/7/64 – The 35th MLB All Star Game is held at Shea Stadium in New York – 

The National League wins 7-4 ,thanks to Johnny Callison's three-run 9th inning homer