Thursday, April 20, 2023


Now this from our Forgotten “Hits” Current Events Director, Chuck Buell …


This From the Mile “High” City in Colorado!


Today is Officially “420 Day!”


OK, this is a bit lengthy so pour yourself a Full Cup of Java or Spark Up a Joint and sit back!


Let’s get this out of the way first off. 


Denver, Colorado, the Mile High City’s Nickname, comes from the fact that its official elevation is 5,280 feet, the distance of “one mile” high ... and it was tagged with that name long before Marijuana was a thing, much less legalized in the state of Colorado for medical use only some twenty years ago and for recreational use just ten years ago.


Colorado itself is the highest state in the nation. No part of any of the state is lower than 3,280 feet and its elevation just gets higher from there.


Now then, here’s a scene that is not necessarily exclusive to just Denver but in other cities across the country these days, as well  ~~~


All of this is a simply good way to lead into the “blunt” fact that TODAY, April 20th, or 4/20 is “International Pot Smokers Day,” or “Weed Day” for short. It’s a former Counter Culture Holiday to celebrate the consumption of cannabis which has actually become more and more public and mainstream over the last few years or so.


For those who may not know the origin of this day, it is not from any Police Department’s Code for “marijuana smoking in progress” or from multiplying the numbers in Bob Dylan’s Song, “Rainy Day Women, #12 and 35” even tho 12 times 35 does equal 420.  The most logical and accepted reason is that in 1971, five students at San Rafael, California High School would meet at 4:20 p.m. to smoke some “Boo” and go “One Toke Over the Line!” They chose that specific time because extracurricular activities had usually ended by then and their parents were not yet home yet, giving them a window of unsupervised freedom.


This group of five would say “420” to each other as a secret code for marijuana. Later, one of the group’s brothers became a roadie with the Grateful Dead and the band is said to have helped popularize the term “420.”  In late 1990, a group of Deadheads in Oakland handed out flyers that invited people to smoke “420” on “April 20” at “4:20” p.m. High Times magazine, an authority on cannabis culture, printed the flyer the following year and continued to reference the number. Soon, it became known worldwide as code for marijuana. 


Today, cities around the world will have their own versions of “International Weed Day!”  ( In many such places, NOT “Void Where Prohibited!” )


For instance, here’s what Denver’s City Park near the Capital Building will look like later today ~~~


Today, one can call “Mary Jane” for a “Good Time” any time as it is legal for recreational use in 21 states now. And maybe this explains the crazy mind sets of our national politicians. For instance, in the Federal Nest of Washington D.C., “wacky tobacky” is legal in the City even tho Federal Law continues to prohibit the possession or use of any amount!  Go figure!


Meanwhile, circling back to Denver, a few weeks ago, Officers of the Denver Police Department arrived at a pet shop around 3:00 o’clock in the morning after the store’s alarm was triggered by a presumed intruder.


Once on the scene, they found a broken window and a 49-year-old man inside the store, who apparently got the “munchies" and was chewing on some . . .  dog biscuits!


As one of the Officers reported, “He was sitting on the floor in front of three opened packages of dog food and he was stuffing himself with doggie biscuits like there was no tomorrow.”


Upon questioning the guy, he said he had smoked a lot of cannabis with one of his friends earlier in the evening.  Then, when he was walking home, he became extremely hungry when he came upon the pet shop!


Now, as I understand it, he went in “sat,” stayed,” did not “roll over” and “woofed” down over literally pounds of Doggie Biscuits accompanied by sides of additional Dry Dog Food selections!


No, at no time did he sing, “Kibbles and Bits! Kibble and Bits! I’m gonna get me some KIBBLES AND BITS!”  Or shout out, “Bacon! Bacon! I smell Bacon! What’s in that BAG?! I can’t READ! It’s Ba-con!!” ( See below for a refresher! )



Personally, I’m not one to partake; I’m just an observer here. In fact, I’m stone straight as I write this ( Wow ... THAT sounds like an oxymoron, if there ever was one!  But it’s true. )


So, there you go. That’s the “4-11” on “4-20!”  “10-4?!”


And now, in closing, here’s my “Chuck Buell 420 Minute Medley!”



CB ( which does not stand for “Cannabis Boy!”  About whom I make no judgement about those of you who might partake! )