We got a few responses to the recent inquiry about folks who collect the weekly Top 40 Surveys issued by radio stations back in the '50's, '60's, '70's and '80's ... and I know that we have several MORE collectors on the list that we HAVEN'T heard from yet. We'd be happy to help connect ALL of these interested parties in the hopes that each and every one of you out there will soon be able to expand your collections ... so keep those cards and letters coming, folks!!! (kk)
Kent -
Please pass my contact info to Larry Boyington. I have not been active in collecting radio station surveys, but do get active if contacted. I have amassed a large number of original and photocopied surveys and there is a good web site for this also. I have scattered WLS and WCFL charts as I find them periodically from people. In Buffalo, WKBW stopped publishing a survey in mid 1959 or early 1960, and the listings after that time were only circulated to the music industry and are very very hard to find (which is what I am looking for).
Any people who are collecting radio station charts, I am interested in emailing!
Thank you!
Clay Pasternack
Thanks for the plug about my top 40 surveys. While most of what I have for sale is Chicagoland surveys, (WLS, WCFL, WBBM-FM, etc,), I do have surveys from other markets, too. Lest anyone get too excited, I only have a few pre-1964 surveys for sale. They usually get snapped up at record shows or on ebay. On a related topic, I'm currently putting together an all time list of Chicago area performers based on their ranking on WLS and WCFL. I hope to have that done in a few weeks. At that time I'd like FH readers to email me with their fave Chicago area songs and I'll compile the list and see how it compares with the chart rankings. Pretty much any local hit up to 1990 will be considered. If your readers want to contact me about old top 40 charts, email me at rockandrollneverforgets@verizon.net. The phone lines are open.
Finally my customer informs me that only ORIGINAL charts, not copies will do, or original from the local newspaper if it wasn't available to the general public. This guy has to have some interesting charts. It appears the more obscure, the better.
Anything I can do for you on collecting surveys, let me know.
Bill Hengels
Thanks, Bill ... my guess is that you'll be hearing from some of our readers! (The majority of surveys shown on our website have come courtesy of Bill Hengels ... regular FH contributors Ron Smith, Ed Erxleben and Clark Besch are ALSO avid survey collectors ... and, obviously, so is Larry Boyington, who started this whole discussion. Let's see what all these connections turn up!) kk
Meanwhile, here is one of the more popular survey sites on the web ... you'll find ALL kinds of surveys on display (and a place for you to share YOURS, too, with other interested collectors!) Click here: Oldiesloon
Along with a couple of others that I've come across over the years ...
Click here: ARSA The Radio Surveys / Record Charts Site
Click here: Radio Station Surveys ShotgunTomKelly.com
Click here: WPGC Weekly Music Survey Playlists
Click here: CMH Home
Click here: Welcome to 79WAKY.com - WAKY Music Surveys Page
Click here: WMCA Weekly Music Surveys
Click here: Rock n Roll Graffiti: Radio surveys defined Top 40
Click here: Top40Surveys.com
Click here: WABC Musicradio "Music"
Click here: WABC Musicradio 77
Click here: 95 KIMN Weekly Surveys
(Take a DEEP breath ... and then prepare to lose yourself for HOURS!!! lol) kk
And, if you're really into this kind of stuff, why not show off YOUR favorite radio station with an official Radio LogoLand T-Shirt?!?!? You can check 'em out here:
(I'm wearing my WCFL T-Shirt as I type this!!!) kk

Click here: RadioLogoLand: Tshirts for vintage "K" radio stations