Also this weekend is the final night of the Happy Together Again Tour ... on Sunday, September 26th, you can catch The Buckinghams, Rob Grill and The Grass Roots, Micky Dolenz of The Monkees, Mark Lindsay (former lead singer of Paul Revere and the Raiders) and The Turtles (aka Flo and Eddie) at The Los Angeles County Fairgrounds in Pamona, California. The tour was a HUGE success this year (and they're already making plans for next year's event!) If you're in the area, consider this one a night of "can't miss" entertainment! (kk)
And don't forget Micky Dolenz is coming back to the Chicagoland area in October, sharing the bill with Peter Noone at The Star Plaza in Merrillville, Indiana. (We recently gave away a pair of tickets to a lucky Forgotten Hits Reader!) That's a show we're really looking forward to!
The Willowbrook Ballroom Presents Shake, Rattle And Roll:
At The Willowbrook Ballroom
8900 Archer Avenue
Willow Springs, IL 60480
Saturday, October 2nd, at 7 PM
The Del Souls
Broadway.com It's Her Party! Lesley Gore Joins Million Dollar Quartet For One Night Only
Sixties musical icon Lesley Gore will sit in with Broadway’s Million Dollar Quartet for one night only on September 24. She will join Eddie Clendening (as Elvis Presley), Lance Guest (as Johnny Cash), Levi Kreis (as Jerry Lee Lewis), Rob Lyons (as Carl Perkins), Hunter Foster (as Sun Records’ Sam Phillips) and Elizabeth Stanley (Dyanne) on stage for a special performance during the show’s finale. Gore is a singer / songwriter whose songs include “Judy’s Turn to Cry,” “She’s A Fool,” “That’s the Way Boys Are,” “Maybe I Know,” “You Don’t Own Me” and her classic smash hit, “It’s My Party.”
Inspired by the famed December 4, 1956, recording session that brought together four rock icons, Million Dollar Quartet recreates the historic day in the Memphis Sun Records studio when Presley, Cash, Lewis and Perkins took part in an impromptu jam session. The show includes some of the actual songs that were performed on the day as well as standards for the quartet including “Blue Suede Shoes,” “Who Do You Love?,” “Great Balls of Fire,” “I Walk the Line,” “Folsom Prison Blues” and “Whole Lotta Shakin’ Going On.”
Kent ...
My question is why? Wouldn't it be a better idea to get Jerry Lee Lewis as a guest, since he's the only member of the quartet still alive.
Frank B.
I'm not sure what this is all about ... having just recently seen this production, I know that there is a significant female lead to the story ... but it looks like Elizabeth Stanley will still be playing that role for this special performance. (Maybe Lesley's gonna do a walk-on as Sam Phillips' Grandmother or something!) Hey, it'll be GREAT to hear her perform a few of her biggest hits ... and, as a "special encore", it should be a real treat ... but what ANY of this has to do with ANYTHING related to "The Million Dollar Quartet" is beyond me! She would have been all of about ten years old when this studio event took place.
That being said, if you haven't already seen it, "The Million Dollar Quartet" is a REAL fun night of musical entertainment ... albeit it a COMPLETELY fictionalized account of what really went on that day. (Truth be told, they didn't "perform" anything even remotely resembling their hits that night ... if anything, the evening had much more of a gospel / church sermon feel to it ... but this is a GREAT excuse to showcase the talents of these four up-and-coming, rising stars. Highly recommended. (kk)
On December 4th, The Ides Of March will be performing their very special Christmas Concert at The Norris Cultural Center in St. Charles, Illinois. More information can be found here:
Click here: Norris Cultural Arts Center
(Watch for more of your Ides Of March comments this weekend on The Forgotten Hits Web Page!) kk
Hi Kent!
Put us back on the list!
We use your website all the time at koolgold101.5fm
Where we're all keeping the oldies alive!
My dear Friend and fellow Fargo, ND native, Bobby Vee, along with Brian Hyland, and the Shirelles will be at our Big Classic Car show this Friday night. It will be Rockin'.
Gary Weber
("Life is hard, Radio is Harder") God Bless - Keep the Faith
Interestingly enough, when I spoke to John Rook the other night he had just visited with Bobby Vee and attended one of his concerts in Spokane ... sounds like it was one hell of a show. (Bobby performs with two of his sons these days and we've heard nothing but good things about their rockin' band.)
Meanwhile, here in Chicago, we've got Matthew and Gunnar Nelson coming next month with their tribute to THEIR father, Ricky Nelson. (We've heard really good things about this show ... a couple of our readers caught this tribute when it played out on the East Coast ... Gunnar Nelson was on the air with Jeff James the other day on Y103.9 and explained that it's a two hour show jammed packed with Ricky's music ... along with video clips from various stages of his career ... sounds like you'll be able to watch Little Ricky grow up right before your eyes on the big screen backdrop, featuring HUNDREDS of Ozzie and Harriett video clips!
Tickets are still available for this show, too, at the Arcada Theatre on October 1st. Be sure to visit their website for more information.
Click here: The Arcada Theatre
Hi Kent (and the Forgotten Hits Crew!)
I have had an amazing summer and have not been in contact with you all for a while.
One awesome event this summer was a live Radio and U-Stream broadcast from Rock Con at the Meadowlands in NJ. Now the fall is here and this Halloween I will be in Indiana with some of the greats of music history ... Diamond Dave Somerville of the Diamonds, and Marshall Lytle of Bill Haley's Comets for the Rewind Monster Jam Sock Hop.
If some of your readers are in the area and plan to come out to see the show, please let me know by e-mail. (My e-mail is JayJayDJ@aol.com and now with over 10 million hits on my web site www.RewindShow.com )I will also be in Indiana this Sunday, September 26 - 30, for concert promotion personal appearances. I am attaching the poster for the Monster Jam.
Thanks, Kent
Jimmy Jay
Jimmy Jay is also a part of the Paul Revere and the Raiders Concert Cruise we told you about a few weeks ago. They set sail on January 29th ... and you not only get The Raiders, but also Gary Puckett, Chuck Negron of Three Dog Night, Danny and the Juniors and Bill Haley's Original Comets! Full details can be found at www.concertsatsea.com
And, speaking of Trade Martin ...
>>>A copy of Trade's version of "The Work Song" appears today, courtesy of the ever-reliable Tom Diehl ... this is a really good version of this song!!! (Darin did a bluesier take when he cut it ... and I really like that one, too ... but I kinda dig this rockin' version.) kk
Since nobody has mentioned the man who wrote those lyrics and recorded the first vocal version, I will. He is the late Oscar Brown Jr., long associated with jazz and adding lyrics to jazz instrumentals. Knowing you to be a completist, I am sending you his version.
There is more at that link than you could possibly use but you might find it interesting reading.
Thanks, Hil ... actually, I think quite a few folks on the list will enjoy hearing this ORIGINAL version ... thanks for sending! (kk)
What am I missing here? There is a DVD (finished or still in the works?) about The Wrecking Crew. I really can't wait to see it.
I see it is being screened here and there, but it is not yet for sale. Apparently they are trying to raise more money for it? Why don't they just sell it and get the funds back from sales?
I'm usually on top of these issues, but here I am at a loss to explain this plan. What am I missing?
All the best,
Dr. Robert (The Beat)
The film's been done for a couple of years now ... and it really IS outstanding. However, as you can imagine, the cost of licensing the rights to all this music is phenomenal ... these guys played on virtually EVERY hit of the '60's!!! Trying to get both a movie deal and a soundtrack CD has proven to be quite the struggle and, as such, the film has only been shown at various film festivals around the country thus far. It's a movie that DESERVES to be seen ... as such, we're willing to do anything we can do to help to help drum up interest, excitement and fund-raising. If you're able to catch one of these screenings, do it! You will not be disappointed. (kk)
Here's an update from "The Wrecking Crew" film producer, Denny Tedesco, whose father Tommy was one of THE key members of this studio artistry!
Hi Kent!
As always, thanks so much for your help and interest in this project ... here is the latest info:
Even though we've won awards all over the world in festivals and have garnished amazing reviews, the 'industry' doesn't take kindly to music documentaries. They feel there isn't a market for it. Obviously, we feel differently ... and audiences in 50+ festivals will also contest this point of view.
The record companies and publishers are not the 'bad guys' in this. There are no bad guys. They have made amazing deals but we have a $250K nut to crack with music and stock footage licensing.
Once the licensing is paid for we'll be able to release the film and DVD.
So now we are working through the International Documentary Association which helps documentary film makers as a 501C. We are able to receive donations through the IDA and donors are given a charity tax deduction. When the donations come in, we start knocking down the bills.
We created a whole donor section that shows how folks can donate any amount. Donors have donated from $5.00 to $5000.00 from all over the world.
If a person or business donates $1000.00, they're able to dedicate a song for the DVD / Web-site. http://www.wreckingcrewfilm.com/donations.html
We are coming up with all kinds of ways of raising funds. We are now having concerts and private screenings as fund raisers. It's donations only. We have had it in a library, living rooms and museums. Even though we haven't released the film, I am still interviewing crew members and artists of the era for excerpts of the film.
We have shot Al Jardine, Peter Tork, Petula Clark, Richard Carpenter, Jackie DeShannon, and many more. Every few weeks, we keep releasing out-takes on the web-site. Our goal is to show a distributor or investor that we have the audience that is ready to buy as soon as it comes out.
The blogs and web-sites like Forgotten Hits have helped us tremendously. It keeps us going. Our biggest hurdle is to remind people that WE HAVE NOT BEEN RELEASED!
Thanks again for your support over the years and hopefully something will happen very soon.
Take care,
Best of luck to you, Denny, and continued success ... this is a film that NEEDS to be seen! (kk)
Hi, KK,
This is Liz from New Jersey. I'm the person who was looking for "Cheek to Cheek" ... by The Percells, not Fred Astaire ... and I can't thank you enough for finding it for me! I literally searched for it for years and I hadn't actually heard it in well over 40 years. When Mr. C sent it to me, I listened to it over and over again, with an ear-to-ear grin on my face ... it brought back wonderful memories of youth, being relatively carefree and, of course, first love ... the worst case of puppy love the world has ever seen. I've slowed down just a bit on listening to it, but am still enjoying the heck out of it!
Thanks so much again ... and please pass my thanks on to Randy Price for identifying the song for me and Tom Diehl, who I believe was the person who provided it. How great that they shared their knowledge and the song ... and caused someone they will never meet to have a really great day spent grinning ear-to-ear while listening to an old-time favorite.
Liz Nilsen
Thank you for your sweet email ... I've passed copies on to both Randy Price and Tom Diehl. It's what we do here in Forgotten Hits ... I'll think you'll find this a GREAT place to share your memories! (kk)
>>>I'm trying to find out anything about a really obscure track that got minimal airplay out here in Melbourne, Australia, around 1965. I don't even know the title but its refrain went along the lines of - 'We're not movie stars, We're just the boys with the big guitars.' (Ka-Chang!!!) I always felt that it might have been a Boyce and Hart song ... does it ring any bells with you? Maybe I'm looking for something that's so obscure that its only in my memory banks, however I recall the song as being sung by a duo with a name reminiscent of Boyce and Hart. I do recall talking to other kids at school about the track and there was a general consensus that it would be a hit. Guess we were wrong about that. There also may have been a clip shown on local television in Melbourne Australia, and again my guess is around 1965. Any info would be great.
(Murray Walding)
>>>This was issued in Australia, on W&G WG-S-1948. It was also issued in America on the Ford record label. Chip Taylor and Ted Daryll were the Town and Country Brothers and the song is called The Boys With The Big Guitars.
(Tom Diehl)
Thanks Kent ... and thanks too, to Tom, for his help this has been a wonderful discovery. Once I found that out, I was able to discover that The Town and Country Brothers had a reasonable sized hit here with another track, Sandy, Sandy ... it's my guess that Boys with the Big Guitars was to be the follow up.
Once again fantastic help you've provided me, so please put me on the list.
I've attached a small image of some of my archive ... might be of interest?
Kindest Regards,
Glad we could help ... and you'll find those programs photos up on our other Forgotten Hits website ... in the SCRAPBOOK MEMORIES section. (kk)
Hi! I don't know if you will be able to help me but in about 1967 / 1968 my boyfriend (later to be come my husband but we divorced a long time ago), bought an imported record with a B side which just had 1969 in numbers on the back. As we did not speak and have not spoken in over 35 years I cannot ask him about the artist or the A side of the record but I know it was a girl singer and I think her name started with S but I cannot be sure. I know it was on a black record label and I think it was RCA Victor but not sure. I know this is a long shot but the song keeps going round in my head every now and again and I would like to get a copy if I could.Some of the lines are: "Hey I hate to picture 1969" if that helps. Thank for you help and if you cannot, thanks for trying. Grace
Anybody out there recognize this one? Being an import, it may be even tougher to track down ... but let's see what you come up with! (kk)
Here's one for "Helping Out Our Readers":
When I was 13 in the summer of 1965, my friend Art and I built a "wireless broadcaster" out of some radio parts we bought at the Six Corners Olson Electronics, all screwed to a piece of scrap 1 X 6. We hooked it up to his shortwave listening antenna (about 30 feet of wire strung from his house to his garage) connected it to his record player, and grabbed a 45 from the pile of records he had just sitting on a basement shelf. Then we took a transistor radio and ran around the neighborhood seeing how far away we could hear it. When the 45 ended, we went back to the basement and put it on again and then ran in the other direction. You could literally hear it a block away, west past Overhill and east past Oriole. The 45 was "Rocket Ride," but it was not (obviously) the 1978 Kiss song, nor the 1963 doo-wop piece by Johnny Greco. It was a pounding instrumental, all drums and guitars, and so up-tempo it was borderline manic. I have no recall of the artist, and think it may have been a B-side. I just don't know, but it was a fun stunt and I've always wondered if anyone else in the neighborhood swung past the frequency then and heard it too. I'd love to know the artist, and certainly hear the song again if anybody has it.
Jeff Duntemann
Colorado Springs, Colorado
(Chicago boy from birth to 1979)
OK, THIS should be an interesting one!!! (I thought you were going to ask if anyone on the list happened to be cruising through your neighborhood that afternoon and heard your "pirate" broadcast!!! lol) So I guess we're probably more likely to get an answer to the "mystery artist" than a positive response to the OTHER question! (lol) Have at it readers ... I'm betting that somebody out there knows EXACTLY what song Jeff is talking about! (kk)
Once a Paul Revere and the Raiders fan, always a Raiders fan. If you are interested in having the four hour special that Hoss did on RockandRollHeaven.net, please contact Mason Ramsey and tell him that you would like to purchase a copy of the interview.
America's Coast to Coast Entertainment Network
Thank you so much for posting those two items. Regarding the Buddy Holly Foundation, they've picked eight recipients so far, I'm anxious to see who the other ten will be!
Davie Allan
Pepsi is listing the Sixties Museum on the Pepsi Refresh America Project at refresheverything.com/sixtiesmueum. You can vote every day in September, that is 30 votes for the museum. If we get enough votes, Pepsi will contribute $250,000 dollars toward getting a building for the museum in the NW suburbs. That means about 300,000 people coming to town, jobs and at least something happening. Please tell family and friends. We need more votes to make the museum a reality. Please vote and help spread the word.
George Pedersen / VP Sixties Museum, Inc. gpedersen@60smuseum.org
This is GREAT news, George ... we have been campaigning for this dream to become a reality for quite some time now. (Obviously, we have a vested interest in preserving the '60's!!! lol) Happy to pass this info along ... and hoping that all of our readers will visit the website and do what they can to help. (kk)
We had difficulty finding the proper place to vote when we visited the Pepsi website ... so I asked George if he could provide a little better direction on how to do so ... here's the scoop:
They don't make it easy. Go to www.refresheverything.com/sixtiesmuseum. Or you can put sixties museum in the search box on the top of the site. I just voted so it takes you right to the vote spot. Thanks for the support. You aren't the only one who has had problems.
Speaking of Lesley Gore, this is probably my all time favorite that she sang. I think it was in a movie also but can't think of the name of it. ("Young And Foolish")
Lesley had one of the most distinctive voices in pop music at the time ... VERY powerful yet perfectly suited to virtually everything she sang. She was able to branch out into both television and movies. (Who can forget her appearance on Batman as Pussycat, one of Catwoman's hench-women?!?!?) I'm not sure if "Young And Foolish" is from one of those movies or not, but it IS a very pretty song! (kk)
I loved that Lesley Gore track you featured today!!!! (You've Come Back)
Yep, one of MY all-time favorites by her, too. Lesley could REALLY sing ... and although most of her biggest hits were up-tempo pop tunes, she could send shivers up your spine when she tackled a ballad. (kk)
Wow, I remember being a card carrying member of Pogo's KIMN Hi-Fi Coke Club in the late 50's early 60's, and I made my parents take me to Zale's Jewlers in Downtown Denver to see him in the snake pit, then again on S Broadway to Pappy Fry Plymouth to see him high atop a flagpole for days! He's the one that inspired me to do a bunch of goofy stunts and break a couple of world records during my radio career ... Pogo will be missed!
Wild Bill
Obituary: Stunt-spinning DJ Pogo Poge kept teens tuned to rock 'n' roll
By Virginia Culver The Denver Post
Pogo Poge would do almost anything to get people to listen to KIMN radio.
Sometimes that included setting a world record for sitting on a Ferris wheel. Or spending two weeks in a snake pit with more than 100 snakes, some poisonous, a stunt that put him in the hospital.
Poge, whose real name was Morgan Branch White, died of heart problems Sept. 2 in a Provo, Utah, hospital. He was 86.
Poge was in Colorado and later in Honolulu during the heyday of disc jockeys doing wacky things to get attention.
In 1984, Denver Post television critic Clark Secrest called him "Denver's favorite disc jockey ever."
"There was some ham in him," said his son, Steve White of Austin, Texas. "He always had to be the center of attention."
White lived in Denver from 1957 until 1964. After moving to Honolulu in 1964, he did amateur theater and appeared on TV's "Hawaii Five-0."
When Secrest was a reporter, he was sent out on a slow-news Saturday night to 16th Street by an editor who told him "to see what was going on."
Secrest listened as teen-laden cars cruised 16th and 17th streets downtown and "every one of them had their radios tuned to KIMN and Poge," said Secrest.
"It was like a gigantic stereo system," said Secrest, of Laguna Niguel, Calif.
Secrest called White "personable," someone "who connected with the kids. No one who heard him ever forgot him, as they did other DJs."
White and the snakes were on 16th Street at the dug-out site of a Zale's Jewelry store for 13 days. White was bitten by a water moccasin and was hospitalized because the antidote was given incorrectly, said Steve White.
Known for his outrageous costumes, White once bounced on a pogo stick from Denver to Boulder and another time sat atop a flagpole at a South Broadway used-car lot for days. Another time, he broadcast while sitting on a giant block of ice.
On one April Fool's Day, he played "Tom Dooley" for the entire day, although at the end of each playing he would announce another number. It always turned out to be "Tom Dooley," said his daughter, Tonya Riches of Murray, Utah.
He was a hero to many teens because he gave them advice over the air, according to a 1976 Denver Post story.
He also emceed gigantic "sock hops" at Mammoth Gardens (now the Fillmore) that featured some of the era's leading rock 'n' roll figures.
In Hawaii, White was a fixture on a popular television show, "Checkers and Pogo" a kids' program that ran two hours after school weekdays.
Morgan Branch White was born in Monroe, Utah, on July 25, 1924, and earned a degree in speech and drama from Utah State College. He married Mildred Tanner on June 5, 1951.
White was an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and as a young man, served on a church mission to Sweden. He hosted many events for charitable organizations.
In addition to his wife, son and daughter, he is survived by three other sons: Morgan White of Sevier, Utah; Kimo White and Keoni White both of Salt Lake City; his sister, Beth Nordgren of Salt Lake; 18 grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren; and one great-great- grandchild.
Read more:
Stunt-spinning DJ Pogo Poge kept teens tuned to rock 'n' roll - The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/obituaries/ci_16053274#ixzz0zWhJav8W
Last week it was announced that Borat has been cast as Freddie Mercury, the dynamic lead singer of Queen. Strange as this may seem, I can kinda see it ... from a looks perspective. (But Sacha Baron Cohen is so much taller than Freddie Mercury was ... and I'm sure the singing will all have to be dubbed in from the original recordings ... unless they can convince Adam Lambert to give it a go!) Of course from a bare-butt trousers perspective, Cohen's a shoe-in. And this just days after the announcement that Brad Pitt has been cast to play Jerry Lee Lewis in another new bio-pic. (OK, I can buy Borat ... but this one not so much!) Dennis Quaid has already portrayed The Killer before on film ... and, with other faux Jerry Lee's stealing the show in "The Million Dollar Quartet" all over the country on stage, I suppose this was a natural ... but Brad Pitt??? I don't think ANYONE has ever accused Jerry Lee Lewis of being a pretty boy! (kk)
Kent ...
I just heard a Tommy James interview on the radio. He said his book "Me, The Mob & The Music" is going to be made into a movie and a play in the next two years.
Frank B.
Yes, of course, we broke that story about three months ago here in Forgotten Hits ... but it's great to see that WCBS-FM is finally catching up! (kk)
RollingStone.com recently ran a poll spotlighting The Best Record Stores in the USA ... see if YOUR favorite is on the list (or make your travel plans accordingly!!! lol) kk
Click here: The Best Record Stores in the USA: The top 25 spots for unique vinyl and CDs, from San Francisco to Boston Rolli
Just saw your website, Forgotten Hits. It was your piece on Cameo / Parkway, Len Barry, etc., that I was especially interested in.
I have a website devoted to Cameo Parkway. Perhaps some of your visitors would find it interesting.
Happy to pass the info along, Dave. We've done two lengthy series on Cameo / Parkway in the past (so long ago that neither are on the website anymore ... but you WILL find our interviews with John Madara there ... as well as our coverage from the recent Philadelphia International fire) ... hopefully still enough to interest some of YOUR website visitors, too! (kk)
We would fade away without your site!
Most people spent this morning doing the NY Times crossword puzzle. We spent our precious time reading every inch of Forgotten Hits. Your passion, for getting this info out to us is a gift from the heart. Forgotten Hits is our discovery of the fountain of youth!.
Thanks, you are the BEST!
Mare V.Z. and Family
I LOVE Forgotten Hits. I’m a retired (now in IT) jock from So Cal, but Chicago is my home, so you have probably never heard of me. But Biondi and Doremus got me interested in radio, and I kept it up for 20 years.
(aka: T. Michael Jordan … followed by 20 stations)
Glad to have you on board, Tom ... share some of those radio memories with us from time to time! (kk)
You'll find more of your comments in the days ahead ...
Tomorrow, we take one more look at The Ides Of March ...
On Tuesday, it's your "Last Blast Of Summer" / Summer Countdowns Comments ...
And then on Wednesday, another edition of our "Helping Out Our Readers" feature.
Kots of neat stuff in the days ahead ... so please stop back and visit!