Well, we asked for 'em ...
And we GOT 'em!!!
Over 2000 Votes were cast yesterday for your All-Time Favorite Instrumentals ...
And they're STILL coming in this morning!!!
So Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for your on-going support!
In fact, as of this morning we're now a little bit over 13,000 votes strong ... a pretty good representation of what the oldies nation considers the best of the best ...
And we'll keep tabulating all of the votes we receive through 6:00 tonight ... so don't stop now!!!
TONS of tie-breakers yesterday ... and some MAJOR resurgence of some otherwise rather dormant titles ... making this whole countdown all that much more interesting and exciting right down to the wire!
(In fact, we've now got FOUR clear-cut contenders for the top spot ... and EACH one of those titles spent at least a few minutes leading the pack yesterday ... now what could be more exciting and nail-biting than THAT?!?!?)
Hang tight ... we'll be tabulating all of your votes this weekend and then counting them down on The Phil Nee Show NEXT SATURDAY NIGHT (November 28th) on WRCO in Wisconsin.
Thanks again to everyone who took the time to vote ... this is YOUR countdown and we appreciate your support!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Voting Reminder
Just a quick reminder ...
Tomorrow is the voting deadline for your favorite instrumental hits!
Please send your votes to forgottenhits@aol.com.
We'll be tabulating the winners this weekend ...
And then NEXT Weekend, Phil Nee will be counting down Your Top 50 Favorites LIVE on his program on WRCO.
You can HEAR the results on Saturday, November 28th ...
And then SEE the results on The Forgotten Hits Web Page on Sunday, November 29th ... Click here: Forgotten Hits - Top 40 Instrumentals, 1955 - 1979
The Countdown Show will also be available for your listening enjoyment as a podcast beginning on Friday, December 4th ... more details and links to come.
Meanwhile, let YOUR voice be heard ...
Tomorrow is the voting deadline for your favorite instrumental hits!
Please send your votes to forgottenhits@aol.com.
We'll be tabulating the winners this weekend ...
And then NEXT Weekend, Phil Nee will be counting down Your Top 50 Favorites LIVE on his program on WRCO.
You can HEAR the results on Saturday, November 28th ...
And then SEE the results on The Forgotten Hits Web Page on Sunday, November 29th ... Click here: Forgotten Hits - Top 40 Instrumentals, 1955 - 1979
The Countdown Show will also be available for your listening enjoyment as a podcast beginning on Friday, December 4th ... more details and links to come.
Meanwhile, let YOUR voice be heard ...
Monday, November 16, 2009
Take Two: The Sunday Comments
We've received dozens of emails since last night from Forgotten Hits Readers who did NOT receive The Sunday Comments via email this weekend. (In fact, it seems like the only folks who DID receive the issue problem-free were those subscribers with AOL accounts ... virtually every other internet service experienced some sort of problem receiving the email in a timely fashion ... if at all!!! ... and this is not the first time that has happened either!!!)
So, for the benefit of all who have asked, here again is this week's edition of The Sunday Comments ... enjoy!!!
We first heard about this through our FH Buddy Artie Wayne ... and all I can say is "It's About Time!!!" Actually, it's WAY too late ... after major history-making sales this year of catalog albums (thanks to the death of Michael Jackson and the release of the entire, remastered catalog of The Beatles), Billboard Magazine has FINALLY decided to incorporate these older catalog titles back into it's Top 200 Album Chart. (Why they were ever removed is beyond me ... I always found it very interesting to see an LP like "Dark Side Of The Moon" sell enough copies to stay on the chart for fourteen years, keeping pace with new albums by new artists and new musical trends ... and albums like Michael Jackson's "Thriller" and The Eagles' "Greatest Hits" duke it out for the distinction of all-time sales leader.) Artists like The Beatles, The Monkees, Elvis and several others have each enjoyed "comebacks" as new generations of music fans discovered their music for the very first time ... and it never really seemed fair to me to remove these titles from Billboard's Top Albums Weekly Chart and designate them solely as "catalog" titles. Honestly, in my opinion, the FAIREST thing they ever could have done was let these LPs appear on BOTH charts ... if nothing else, it would certainly help to keep things in perspective! Too bad it's now really too late to TRULY represent just how HUGE of an impact the recent sales of Michael Jackson's and The Beatles' work has really had on an otherwise quite dormant industry.
Anyway, here's the story as we first heard about it ... and some commentary we found on both Artie Wayne's blog and Ron Smith's OldiesMusic.com website (kk):
Kent ...
I always wondered why Billboard magazine didn’t include catalog items when tabulating sales on their Top 200 album and singles chart. Now finally all of that has changed!LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Good news for fans of Michael Jackson, the Beatles and other veteran artists.
The compilers of the Billboard 200, the benchmark pop albums chart in the United States, said on Wednesday they would dramatically overhaul the listing later this month to include catalog recordings as well as current releases.
The Billboard 200 generally lists only albums released in the past 18 months, and accordingly failed to reflect two of the biggest events in the music world this year: Jackson’s death and the reissue of the Beatles catalog.
Fans scooped up millions of copies of both artists’ albums, but an 18-year-old policy at trade publication Billboard meant that the stampede was marked in its relatively obscure Top Comprehensive Albums chart, which combines both current and catalog releases.
The comprehensive chart essentially becomes the new Billboard 200. The change takes effect for the week ended November 22. Sales data, collected by tracking firm Nielsen SoundScan, are published on Wednesdays.
If last week’s Billboard 200 were based on overall sales, 35 catalog titles would storm the chart, led by Jackson’s “Number Ones” at No. 13, Billboard said.
FOR THE COMPLETE STORY http://artiewayne.wordpress.com/2009/11/12/billboard-changes-chart-policy/
Good – catalog items should be on the Regular Top Albums chart if their sales demand it. I remember in 1986 and 1987, when the Monkees regained their popularity through MTV, seven of their albums made the Billboard charts again – on the regular chart. This not only showed their refound popularity, but showed that people were interested enough to buy their recordings once again. Why shouldn’t they be on the regular chart, and why shouldn’t the Beatles and Jackson if their sales show they deserve it? Remember, Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon would never have been on the chart of a record amount of weeks if the album chart excluded catalog albums, and neither would Johnny Mathis’ Greatest Hits have been on the chart. This change in policy benefits everyone, making it a truer barometer of what is selling–and what isn’t.
I remember well when Billboard decided to stop listing catalog albums on their Top 200 album chart. Their goal, apparently, was to create the impression that newer releases — the ones labels were then promoting the hardest through Billboard ads and elsewhere — were more popular than they actually were. The labels did not like side by side comparisons which showed than many (or even any) “ancient” releases like Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon” were STILL, on a week-by-week basis, outselling the current hypes.
In order to buy into that viewpoint, you had to think of music in the same way you’d view a loaf of bread. When it’s new, it’s hot and delicious. But, as time goes on, it becomes more stale and unpalatable. In fact, within a relatively short time, you simply throw it out and forget it ever existed. In music, this is known as the disposable pop theory. You see this all the time on VH1 and MTV when they run a special featuring untalented idiots putting down “the worst music of all time.” Only thing is, the videos they’re hooting at are precisely the same ones VH1 and MTV were totally in the bag for only a few years earlier. So what makes those huge-selling tracks now suddenly junk? After all, unlike bread, a recorded track does not change over time.
Oddly enough, nearly all of the newly reviled recordings were cut by artists no longer in the spotlight — so it’s therefore OK to smugly diss THEM. But it does make you wonder. If those tracks were so awful, then why did VH1 and MTV play them in the first place? And what are they mooning over NOW that a few years hence they’ll view with contempt? Why should anyone become a fan of anything — if it’s only going to become the target of derision a short time down the road?
According to the disposable pop theory, the #1 criteria one should use in evaluating music is NOT how effectively it paints a vivid, soul-stirring portrait of an emotion you can relate to. Instead, we’re supposed to ask how NEW it is — and how much it pleases the self-appointed trendsetting bozos whose sole purpose in life is to make our minds up for us. No thanks.
The real reason you take a particular CD off the shelf to play is because of THE WAY IT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL. It will either reinforce the mood you’re in or take you to where you want to go. It doesn’t matter when the songs were written or when the tracks were recorded. Timeless beats trendy every time. Depending on MY mood, I’ll listen to anything from Fats Waller to Lady GaGa, Glenn Miller to Steve Miller, Karen Carpenter to Shania Twain, Spike Jones to The Moody Blues, Al Green to Elvis Presley, Ted Weems to The Beach Boys, Creedence Clearwater Revival to Taylor Swift. How new the recordings are does not make a particle of difference to me. Instead, to quote Berry Gordy, “it’s what’s in the groove that counts.”
Gary Theroux
Frankly I'm all for this since it will be more a accurate representation of the public's taste. To forget the fact that every generation young men and women discover the Beatles, Stones, CCR etc ... leads to a misleading chart. This assumes of course one cares about CHART in the year 2009. Old Fart
And, speaking of recently re-released material, here's the latest from our FH Buddy Joe Klein regarding that Jackson Five album he's been telling us about! (kk)
Hi Kent,
Yesterday (Tuesday, November 10) the new JACKSON 5 album called I WANT YOU BACK! UNRELEASED MASTERS was released and is available for sale everywhere.
The entire album was mixed by my old friend RUSS TERRANA, who mixed all the original JACKSON 5 and MICHAEL JACKSON hits for Motown, where he worked as the chief recording and mixing engineer from 1966 until 1998 (except for a stint in 1967-1968 when he worked for his brother, RALPH TERRANA at Ralph's own Detroit studio, TERA SHIRMA).
I've previously written that Russ mixed down a mind-boggling 89 number #1 singles. New research for a story I'll be posting online next week reveals that the number is even greater, at 92 #1 hits! This has got to be a record accomplishment in its own right!
To commemorate the release of the new album and as an ode to good buddy, I posted a cool little story online about the release and Russ' participation in the project. It includes an exclusive and heartfelt "message to Michael" from Russ himself. The story has a few nice photos in it, including another EXCLUSIVE! It's a photo of Michael taken by Russ himself back in "the day" which has never been published!
You can find the article, and the photos, here:
Next week, I'll be posting a cool article that's a pretty in-depth story about Russ' career and accomplishments. Of course, FORGOTTEN HITS will be the first to know! Meanwhile, Kent, deep up the good work and BLOG ON!
New Media Joe
And one more blurb about The Beatles!
The BBC video programme mentioned, 'A Magical History Tour', is using the sub-title name of a video already available. 'The Beatles London - A Magical History Tour'. The format is the same but it's a tour of the Beatles London connections.
George Van Win,
Hey Kent,
I'm reading about the Rhino party at the Egyptian Theater and I am disappointed to find out about it after the fact. In the future if you know of any relative events for this Rhino package before the fact, and can remember to let me know, I'd really appreciate it. It is good to know that "Yellow Balloon" is in the packaged set. I would have been glad to attend the event and see some old faces.
Alex Valdez
Yellow Balloon
Unfortunately, quite often we don't get the amount of advance notice we need to properly help publicize events like these ... quite a bit of buzz AFTER the fact (thanks, in part to our lengthy piece on Merrell Fankhauser and the participation of FH Regulars Billy Hinsche and Bobby Hart) ... wish we could have been there ... and it would have been great to see YOU there, too, Alex!!! When you folks out there have a really cool event like this coming up, you need to get us this information in time to publicize it ... I feel quite certain (based on the amount of response I've already seen) that we could have helped direct quite a few more oldies music fans your way!!! Meanwhile, Billy Hinsche sent me the complete itinerary for this special event:
When: Sunday, November 1
Where: The Egyptian Theatre, 6712 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood
The day’s events include:
Monkees Matinee - See four episodes of The Monkees television series not available on DVD (“The Case Of The Missing Monkee,” “Monkees Marooned,” “The Chaperone,” and “The Frodis Caper”). Previously unscreened theatrically, these rare 35mm prints feature soundtracks unheard since 1973. Host Andrew Sandoval, a respected authority on The Monkees, will also screen rare trailers and commercials featuring the pre-fab foursome. Following the screening, Sandoval will lead a Q&A session that features Bobby Hart, a key songwriter for The Monkees, and other surprise guests.
Promotional Film Potpourri - A screening of archival promotional films that feature The Mamas & The Papas at the Hollywood boutique deVoss; Sonny & Cher recording at Gold Star Studios; Boyce & Hart on Hollywood Boulevard singing “Out And About”; The Turtles visiting The Plush Pup and Pandora’s Box on the Sunset Strip. Domenic Priore, author of Riot On Sunset Strip: Rock ’N’ Roll’s Last Stand In Hollywood, will kick things off with a brief, color slide show.
Mondo Mod (1967) - A full-color pastiche of what made L.A. teens tick during the era, narrated by KHJ disc jockey Humble Harv. See the Sunset Strip and Hollywood Boulevard in their mod-prime, from Belinda boutique and Lewin’s Record Shop to dancing at the Whisky A Go Go.
Riot On Sunset Strip (1967) - Described as the “garage punk Nashville” in Marshall Crenshaw’s definitive rock ’n’ roll movie book, Hollywood Rock, the film features The Standells, The Chocolate Watchband and The Enemys. Riot follows the exploits of L.A. mods and their corporate grandfathers trying to rub out all the fun on The Strip.
The Pad, And How To Use It (1966) - Unavailable on DVD, this obscure feature (adapted from a stage play) follows a lonely bachelor looking for love at a symphonic recital who finds himself mixed up with a sexy swinger turned on by the Sunset Strip scene. The Pad features a healthy dose of Whisky A Go Go footage, when folks there still knew how to dance. The Knickerbockers (of “Lies” and “One Track Mind” fame) – the Red Velvet house band – are featured on stage. That alone makes this rarely seen Hollywood hacker flick a worthy trip for the discriminating Nuggets audience.
-- Billy Hinsche
Now seriously ... who amongst us wouldn't have LOVED to spend the day there celebrating with THESE guys?!?!?
And, speaking of up-coming shows ...
Long-time Eagles bassist Timothy B. Schmit has announced additional west coast tour dates to showcase songs from his new solo album "Expando". Fans in Portland, Seattle, Sacramento, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles and San Diego have the chance to see Timothy perform new songs from "Expando" as well as classic hits in an intimate club setting.
Monday, December 7, 2009 - Portland, OR - The Aladdin Theater
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 - Seattle, WA - Triple Door
Friday, December 11, 2009 - Sacramento, CA - The Crest Theater
Sunday, December 13, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - The Great American Music Hall
Monday, December 14, 2009 - Santa Barbara, CA - Soho
Thursday, December 17, 2009 - Los Angeles, CA - The Troubadour
Monday, December 21, 2009 - San Diego, CA - Belly Up
And be sure to check out http://www.Timothybschmit.com for new exclusive studio videos just released from the recording of the album "Expando", now available in stores and online at Amazon, iTunes and Timothy's official store.
Thank you!
Timothy B. Schmit
In a rare and unique event, Randy Bachman, who is often referred to as the "architect of Canadian rock n' roll," will bring his award-winning radio program, Randy's Vinyl Tap, to live audiences at CBC's Glenn Gould Theatre in Tornoto.
Known for his master story-telling and his voluminous musical knowledge, Randy Bachman takes fans on an entertaining journey in "Guitarology 101."
Listen and, for the first time, watch as a part of music history unfolds - from Fender Telecaster, Gibson Les Paul to Gretsch - and is recreated - from echo, flanging, distortion to overdrive - to showcase effects heard on some of the greatest records in the world.
Joining Randy Bachman is Denise McCann and the Randy Bachman Band in an experience like no other. This two-hour live affair promises music lovers and intimate and unforgettable evening with one of the greatest rock icons of our time.
Join Randy Bachman ... and Randy's Vinyl Tap
Live In Toronto ...
On January 29th and 30th, 2010 at the
Glen Gould Studio
Toronto, ON
More details are available at Randy's website
... and be sure to check out some up-coming Davie Allan appearances, too, listed below in our "Instrumentals" section!
>>>I am looking for a song by "Just Us" called "I Can't Grow Peaches on a Cherry Tree". Nancy Sinatra does it as well, but I think this was the original. Can anyone help? (Sharon)
>>>We featured this one a LONG time ago in Forgotten Hits ... a GREAT forgotten oldie!Made up of the duo Al Gorgoni and Chip Taylor, this was their one and only hit, peaking at #34 in Billboard Magazine in 1966. (kk)
That is a great song, but the Just Us version was not the original. A version by The Browns (called "You Can't Grow Peaches On A Cherry Tree") got some airplay in Cleveland in the summer of 1965, and Bubbled Under at 120 on the Whitburn charts on 7-10-65. I am attaching the mp3; this is a good version as well. I don't know if there were any other versions prior to this one.
I don't know if there were earlier versions of this or not either ... although there ARE rumors circulating that the fact that he couldn't grow peaches on his cherry tree was what ultimately led to George Washington chopping down said tree in complete frustration in the first place!!! The song was written by Estelle Levitt and Camille Monte (two eye-witnesses to George's legendary act of violence perhaps???) and even the Just Us version, which first charted in the Spring of 1966, was FIRST released as a single on the Minuteman Record Label the year before, where it went virtually unnoticed ... which I suppose COULD mean that THEY, in fact, recorded it first. Either way, it's a GREAT, Forgotten Hit ... and, if you don't believe me, just ask Bobaloo!!! (kk)
This is surreal! I recently ended an extensive ebay search and wait for a copy of "Cherry Tree" on 45, and got one, cleaned it up with Adobe Audition, and played it on the Good Time Gold Show about a month ago. That's just weird!
Next you are going to mention Baby, You Come Rollin' Cross my Mind I guess.
LOL ... which version of "Baby, You Come Rollin' Cross My Mind" are you referring to?!?!? (Didn't we just feature the John Beland version a month or two ago?!?!?) Personally, I've always liked Rick Nelson's version of this tune, too!!! And we're glad to hear that SOMEBODY out there played "You Can't Grow Peaches On A Cherry Tree" by Just Us on the radio ... even if it WAS a month before we suggested doing so!!! (lol) kk
Excellent! Thank everyone for their input. I'm going to print this out for my son so he can read it in the car. They're going to their dad's this weekend, and maybe he'll see his great grandma again and maybe get some info out of her as to her association with the group.
Glad to help ... and how cool is it that Forgotten Hits List Member Gary Theroux helped to put together an Ink Spots Greatest Hits Package!!! (kk)
I found the Ink Spots stuff interesting, partly because I remember them from way back. I had a hard time tracking down one of their songs which seemed to be omitted from every damned album I checked out in the record stores. I finally found it on the web. The reason I wanted the song was because it was the source of Elvis' recording of the same song, and I'm damned if his version isn't almost identical lyric-wise to the Ink Spots' version. The song? 'That's When Your Heartaches Begin'.
One of my favourite Ink Spots recordings is 'Don't Tell A Lie About Me Dear, And I Won't Tell The Truth About You'.
George Van Win,
Apparently not the only Ink Spots / Elvis Presley connection ... read on!!!
The Ink Spots were my Dad's favorite group. The lead vocalist, Nick Kenny, had a very sweet, almost falsetto, voice. You said "their music REALLY sounds dated today". Yes, that may be true, but a very popular current day video game called "Fallout3" features the Ink Spots "I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire", in the sound track, and in that context, it sounds perfect, and I find myself humming it, a lot. I suspect a whole new younger generation is being exposed to their music. I had recently heard "Whispering Grass" and loved it. I started to perform this song in my gigs for seniors and they absolutely love it. Also, Elvis did a version of an Ink Spot's song called " A Fool Such As I". I also do that at my gigs. Great stuff Kent. Keep it coming.
Bob HughesWeb Site: www.BobHughesMusic.net
Perhaps it was as part of this video came that Kristy's son first heard about The Ink Spots, thus inspiring this whole conversation in the first place. (Not your typical FH Fare, to be sure ... but to paraphrase The True Oldies Channel, you never know WHAT we're going to cover next here in Forgotten Hits!!!) We couldn't find a copy of The Ink Spots' version of "(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I" ... but George Van Win, another Forgotten Hits Reader, sent us "That's When Your Heartaches Begin", another tune later covered by Elvis ... so we've got THAT one featured today. (If "A Fool Such As I" turns up, we'll post it in a future edition.) kk
Hey Kent ...
I know it's not the correct thing to say nowadays.
This is how i feel about Christmas. What do you think ?
Frank B.
YouTube - Christmas With a Capital "C"
Normally I don't go in for these type of songs ... but this one hits home ... especially in light of the fact that our daughter came home from 8th Grade this past week and told us about the lecture the kids got about ONLY using the phrase "Happy Holidays" from this point forward. (kk)
re: ZZ TOP:
Just back from Ft. Worth where ZZ Top was helicoptered in to performed a concert-length set at Texas Motor Speedway on Sunday, November 8 prior to the start of NASCAR Dickies 500 race. Following their performance, the band got things going not only by announcing "Gentlemen, start your engines" but also by dint of the fact that drummer Frank Beard drove the pace car. Photo below shows the band (+ mascot GiZZmo) with US Army honor guard in the TMS infield.
Photo by Alison Hocking
Transcript of pre-race press conference by Ft. Worth Star - Telegram's David Thomas:
Five questions with ZZ Top:
ZZ Top is celebrating its 40th year of rockin’ the world. Before Sunday’s Dickies 500, the group that formed in Houston played an hour-long set alongside the frontstretch. Billy Gibbons, Dusty Hill and Frank Beard (oddly enough, the one without a long beard) are the band’s original members. They met with reporters before the race to talk about their career and Beard’s opportunity to drive the pace car to start the race.
What were your expectations when you first came together, and are you surprised to be still going?
Gibbons: I think our expectations are reflected in our appearance here today. It’s quite similar: fast and loud. That’s all we cared about. But we’re still doing it.
Frank, you once raced in the 24 Hours of Daytona, correct?
Beard: I did. We put together a little team out of Houston and raced in the GTU category, and we came in second. It’s a very expensive sport.
All three of you are wearing sunglasses. Did you pay a lot for them?
Gibbons: Well, as the song goes, they used to be cheap sunglasses.
Hill: Not anymore.
Beard: Prescription sunglasses is probably better.
Frank, what was your time in the pace car before the race like?
Beard: It’s a little more technical than I thought it would be. I thought I would just get out there and drive around in a circle. They want you to run a certain line. I didn’t realize that you ran at a certain speed so they could set the tachometer so they don’t get penalized on pit lane. It was eye-opening.
You will play before about 170,000 today. Have you ever played in a front of a crowd that big?
Beard: I think the biggest audience we ever played in front of was in Auckland, New Zealand. It was 600,000.
Hill: Which is pretty much New Zealand.
-- submitted by Bob Merlis/M.F.H.
It's been a little while since we gave you an update as to the status of this hot new musical documentary ... this is a film that NEEDS to be seen ... but apparently the film makers have run into some fairly serious licensing issues. For more information on how YOU can help make this dream a reality, drop me a line and I'll forward you the latest information. (kk)
Kent ...
Long before he became known as the Father Of Woodstock, Artie Kornfeld was a hit songwriter / producer (“The Pied Piper”, “The Rain, The Park, and Other Things”)
When I went to Los Angeles for the first time in 1968 there were three places I wanted to see: Malibu Beach, MacArthur Park, and “Dead Man’s Curve”. Now 40 years later, I asked my longtime friend and sometime collaborator to tell me the story behind Jan and Dean’s “Classic Hit”, and how he co -wrote “Dead Man’s Curve”, with Brian Wilson and Jan Berry.
“One day, Brian and I were chilling and trying out this tiny Honda that the company had sent him as a thank you for writing the Hondells “Hey Little Honda.” We were cruisin’ about 3 miles from his ex-wife, Marilyn’s mom’s house. Brian, as he was known to do, was pushing two hundred pounds way over what a 60 cc Honda could handle. I said 'Bry, you should slow down', as in Santa Monica there is a lot of sand on the streets. We went over and both the bike ... and us ... were torn apart. We carried half a Honda each 3 miles, bleeding like crazy, to an open door in an empty house.We noticed a piece of blank paper on the piano and Bry sat down and I pulled up a chair and, I guess because of recent events I wrote down the words, “Dead Man's Curve”. Brian started a two four piano rhythm but I didn’t have any idea for the lyric … except I always envied Jan’s Corvette, sang to Brian’s chords” I was crusin’ in my Sting Ray late one night and an XKE pulled upon the right…” Brian repeated what I wrote down with the melody and I almost finished the lyric in about 30 minutes with me writing the words, some with Brian, as being a New Yorker after I put us on Sunset Blvd.
I had no idea what landmarks we would pass to that curve after Doheny where it turns right and heads into Beverly Hills..."
FOR THE COMPLETE STORY WITH RARE PHOTOS AND VIDEO! http://artiewayne.wordpress.com/2009/11/14/artie-kornfeld-and-the-true-story-behind-dead-mans-curve/
Cool story, Artie ... we ALWAYS love hearing the stories BEHIND the songs!!! Thanks for sharing this with our readers. (kk)
Be sure to check THIS one out ... lots of cool stuff to look at and listen to! (kk) Click here: HITS OF YESTERYEAR
A few weeks back we told you about a brand new oldies music magazine called "Keep Rockin'" ... in fact, their most recent issue (at the time) featured an interview with our FH Buddies The Buckinghams ... and we looked EVERYWHERE for a copy but it was already sold out.
Well, guess what!!! "Keep Rockin'" Publisher Liz Harris has just joined our Forgotten Hits Mailing List ... AND she tells me that she's still got a few copies left should any of our readers like to get one for their very own!!!
Simply visit the website ... and tell them that Forgotten Hits sent you!!! More information (and a few words from Liz) below!!! (kk)
Hi Kent,
I'm Co-owner & Publisher of a fantastic new 50's & 60's music / nostalgia magazine called Keep Rockin'. I'd like to subscribe to your Forgotten Hits blog. My partner, Lou Holly and I recently completed our 6th issue which marks being in business for one year!
Also, I'd like to send you our current issue of Keep Rockin' which features the original Bill Haley & The Comets on the cover.
Our 5th issue is the one you were looking for ... it has Chubby Checker on the cover and a nice article about The Buckinghams written by Dawn Lee Wakefield.
Keep Rockin' is sold in some of the Borders Book Stores, Barnes & Noble, B. Dalton and many independent used record stores. The major book stores are still test marketing us so we're not in all of them. I checked the Schaumburg area and we are in Borders at 1540 E. Golf Rd. and the Barnes & Noble at 590 E. Golf Rd. I checked our distribution and the 5th issue sold out in the B & N store.
Let us know how you like Keep Rockin'. We're all in the same business together keeping the music alive!!
Liz Harris, Publisher
Lou Holly, Editor
By the way, if any of your readers are interested, we still have copies of the Sept / Oct issue which has an article about The Buckinghams and also the show at the Star Plaza Theatre starring The Buckinghams, The Ides of March and Ronnie Rice. Also, The Buckinghams will have some of these copies for sale at their next show.
For all of your Bill Haley fans, there is a great article in the December issue about Bill Haley & the Comets along with some rare photos and artifacts.
Thanks for spreading the word about Keep Rockin'!
Liz & Lou
It sounds like quite a few of you have been enjoying the Instrumentally Yours Weekend on The True Oldies Channel ... we've been receiving ALL kinds of emails (and votes) for our All-Time Favorite Instrumental Poll as well. (Remember, the polls close on FRIDAY, the 20th ... so PLEASE get your votes in on time!!!) kk
Meanwhile here is some OTHER radio news ...
Radio-Info.com "Ross on Radio" reviews Hit Parade Radio 11-10-09
First Listen: Hit Parade Radio
Veteran programmer John Rook has been a tireless crusader in recent years for the MOR and pure pop artists who were a significant part of Top 40’s first two decades. His Hit Parade Hall Of Fame has inducted artists like Paul Anka, Connie Francis, Pat Boone, Dean Martin and the Carpenters, along with more-frequently honored Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, Johnny Cash, and the Beach Boys, and many others. Now, Rook’s long-in-the-offing Hit Parade Radio, a syndicated offering featuring legendary jocks Larry Lujack and Wink Martindale, is up and streaming. It’s not quite as pre-1964 or MOR-based as one might have expected. Instead, it’s ‘50s through ‘70s with just a hint of the MOR music heard in Top 40’s early days. Rook, who says he is “not in any hurry to move to AM / FM radio syndication,” particularly if it restricts his programming freedom, which is currently at 3,000 titles. The format is primarily music and drops; Rook says he hopes to have it it fleshed-out to where where he wants it by January.
Here’s Hit Parade Radio at 2:40 on Sunday afternoon (8): Carpenters, “Superstar”; Van McCoy, “The Hustle”; Mamas & Papas, “Monday Monday”; Wilbert Harrison, “Kansas City”; Chi-Lites, “Oh Girl”; Association, “Cherish”; Charlie Rich, “The Most Beautiful Girl”; Neil Diamond, “Songs Sung Blue”; Pablo Cruise, “Whatcha Gonna Do”; Debbie Reynolds, “Tammy”; John Denver, “I’m Sorry”; Louis Armstrong, “Hello Dolly”; Harry Belafonte, “The Banana Boat Song (Day-O)”; Jefferson Starship, “Count On Me”; Archies, “Sugar Sugar”; Platters, “Twilight Time”; Meco, “Star Wars Theme-Cantina Band”
I kicked it on for a little while, too, while preparing today's edition of The Sunday Comments, during which time I heard: "What Kind Of Fool" by Barbra Streisand and Barry Gibb (actually an early '80's tune!); "Theme from 'The Magnificent Seven'" by Al Caiola (a song that's been earning some of your votes in our All-Time Favorite Instrumental Poll); "Stuck In The Middle With You" by Stealers Wheel; "Just One Look" by Linda Ronstadt; "Enjoy Yourself" by The Jacksons; "When I Fall In Love" by The Lettermen; "Personality" by Lloyd Price and "If You're Ready (Come Go With Me)" by The Staple Singers. Give it a listen for yourself at the link above ... I've only heard short little promo bits by Larry Lujack so far ... but hopefully his radio comeback is coming soon!!! (kk)
And, speaking of Your Favorite Instrumentals ...
We did it!!!
Thanks to the on-going support of all of you guys out there, we just passed 10,000 votes in our latest Forgotten Hits "Favorites" Poll ... and, if for some reason you HAVEN'T voted yet, there's STILL time to get YOUR votes in. (Remember, the polls close next Friday, November 20th ... so if you haven't voted yet, get YOUR votes in now!!!)
Meanwhile, here are a few more of your favorites (kk):
With regard to the instrumentals list: Did I miss t , but I haven't seen "Harlem Nocturne" mentioned. That song was played by every group that had a sax in it. Also, "Caravan" hasn't been mentioned which is another one that was a staple for drummers.
Alex Valdez / Yellow Balloon
Actually, "Harlem Nocturne" is doing quite well ... now up to 79 votes as of this morning. (LOTS of votes coming in this weekend with Scott Shannon's "Instrumentally Yours" Weekend running on The True Oldies Channel!!!) "Caravan" hasn't even been nominated. (kk)
Speaking of which, we're finalizing our live radio countdown (and a subsequent podcast) ... stay tuned for more details.
While Davie Allan's classic 1967 Hit "Blues' Theme" is pretty much assured a spot in the Top 50 ... 107 votes as we go to press this morning ... Davie is hardly resting on his past laurels ... in fact, he's got a brand new CD out right now called "Retrophonic" ... which has got to be the third or fourth new release we've been privileged to hear since he joined our Forgotten Hits Mailing List a few years back. And, once again Davie is giving away a free, autographed copy to one of our Forgotten Hits Readers!!! Interested??? Just drop me a line and put "Davie Allan CD" in the subject line and we'll enter your name to win a copy. We'll pick a winner in plenty of time to send out an early Christmas Present!!!
Meanwhile, here are a couple of Davie's upcoming concert dates:
Thanks, Kent!
Check out these upcoming shows:
November 21st, 2009
Turf Club
1601 University Ave. W.
St Paul, MN 55104
November 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 2009
Oneida Casino
2020 / 2100 Airport Drive
Green Bay, WI 54313
Also, the new album was just added to Amazon and a couple of reviews are coming up in San Diego's "Ugly Things" 'zine and in "Vintage Guitar". Let me send you a copy to be used as another Forgotten Hits Give-Away!
Sounds like some SERIOUS flooding going on out Wildwood-way ... we really enjoyed visiting that area a couple of years ago ... and I know that we have a number of FH Readers in the Wildwood, New Jersey and Philadelphia area ... our best wishes go out to you as you weather the storm. This just in from FH Reader Gary Renfield:
i've never known of this when i lived there ... and i don't think the news hits over where you are ... but ... this n'or-easter that just hit my general area?
Freddy "Boom Boom" Cannon
'Nuff said!!! Thanks, Freddy ... concise and to the point!!! (kk)
Hi Kent,
So, for the benefit of all who have asked, here again is this week's edition of The Sunday Comments ... enjoy!!!
We first heard about this through our FH Buddy Artie Wayne ... and all I can say is "It's About Time!!!" Actually, it's WAY too late ... after major history-making sales this year of catalog albums (thanks to the death of Michael Jackson and the release of the entire, remastered catalog of The Beatles), Billboard Magazine has FINALLY decided to incorporate these older catalog titles back into it's Top 200 Album Chart. (Why they were ever removed is beyond me ... I always found it very interesting to see an LP like "Dark Side Of The Moon" sell enough copies to stay on the chart for fourteen years, keeping pace with new albums by new artists and new musical trends ... and albums like Michael Jackson's "Thriller" and The Eagles' "Greatest Hits" duke it out for the distinction of all-time sales leader.) Artists like The Beatles, The Monkees, Elvis and several others have each enjoyed "comebacks" as new generations of music fans discovered their music for the very first time ... and it never really seemed fair to me to remove these titles from Billboard's Top Albums Weekly Chart and designate them solely as "catalog" titles. Honestly, in my opinion, the FAIREST thing they ever could have done was let these LPs appear on BOTH charts ... if nothing else, it would certainly help to keep things in perspective! Too bad it's now really too late to TRULY represent just how HUGE of an impact the recent sales of Michael Jackson's and The Beatles' work has really had on an otherwise quite dormant industry.
Anyway, here's the story as we first heard about it ... and some commentary we found on both Artie Wayne's blog and Ron Smith's OldiesMusic.com website (kk):
Kent ...
I always wondered why Billboard magazine didn’t include catalog items when tabulating sales on their Top 200 album and singles chart. Now finally all of that has changed!LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Good news for fans of Michael Jackson, the Beatles and other veteran artists.
The compilers of the Billboard 200, the benchmark pop albums chart in the United States, said on Wednesday they would dramatically overhaul the listing later this month to include catalog recordings as well as current releases.
The Billboard 200 generally lists only albums released in the past 18 months, and accordingly failed to reflect two of the biggest events in the music world this year: Jackson’s death and the reissue of the Beatles catalog.
Fans scooped up millions of copies of both artists’ albums, but an 18-year-old policy at trade publication Billboard meant that the stampede was marked in its relatively obscure Top Comprehensive Albums chart, which combines both current and catalog releases.
The comprehensive chart essentially becomes the new Billboard 200. The change takes effect for the week ended November 22. Sales data, collected by tracking firm Nielsen SoundScan, are published on Wednesdays.
If last week’s Billboard 200 were based on overall sales, 35 catalog titles would storm the chart, led by Jackson’s “Number Ones” at No. 13, Billboard said.
FOR THE COMPLETE STORY http://artiewayne.wordpress.com/2009/11/12/billboard-changes-chart-policy/
Good – catalog items should be on the Regular Top Albums chart if their sales demand it. I remember in 1986 and 1987, when the Monkees regained their popularity through MTV, seven of their albums made the Billboard charts again – on the regular chart. This not only showed their refound popularity, but showed that people were interested enough to buy their recordings once again. Why shouldn’t they be on the regular chart, and why shouldn’t the Beatles and Jackson if their sales show they deserve it? Remember, Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon would never have been on the chart of a record amount of weeks if the album chart excluded catalog albums, and neither would Johnny Mathis’ Greatest Hits have been on the chart. This change in policy benefits everyone, making it a truer barometer of what is selling–and what isn’t.
I remember well when Billboard decided to stop listing catalog albums on their Top 200 album chart. Their goal, apparently, was to create the impression that newer releases — the ones labels were then promoting the hardest through Billboard ads and elsewhere — were more popular than they actually were. The labels did not like side by side comparisons which showed than many (or even any) “ancient” releases like Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon” were STILL, on a week-by-week basis, outselling the current hypes.
In order to buy into that viewpoint, you had to think of music in the same way you’d view a loaf of bread. When it’s new, it’s hot and delicious. But, as time goes on, it becomes more stale and unpalatable. In fact, within a relatively short time, you simply throw it out and forget it ever existed. In music, this is known as the disposable pop theory. You see this all the time on VH1 and MTV when they run a special featuring untalented idiots putting down “the worst music of all time.” Only thing is, the videos they’re hooting at are precisely the same ones VH1 and MTV were totally in the bag for only a few years earlier. So what makes those huge-selling tracks now suddenly junk? After all, unlike bread, a recorded track does not change over time.
Oddly enough, nearly all of the newly reviled recordings were cut by artists no longer in the spotlight — so it’s therefore OK to smugly diss THEM. But it does make you wonder. If those tracks were so awful, then why did VH1 and MTV play them in the first place? And what are they mooning over NOW that a few years hence they’ll view with contempt? Why should anyone become a fan of anything — if it’s only going to become the target of derision a short time down the road?
According to the disposable pop theory, the #1 criteria one should use in evaluating music is NOT how effectively it paints a vivid, soul-stirring portrait of an emotion you can relate to. Instead, we’re supposed to ask how NEW it is — and how much it pleases the self-appointed trendsetting bozos whose sole purpose in life is to make our minds up for us. No thanks.
The real reason you take a particular CD off the shelf to play is because of THE WAY IT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL. It will either reinforce the mood you’re in or take you to where you want to go. It doesn’t matter when the songs were written or when the tracks were recorded. Timeless beats trendy every time. Depending on MY mood, I’ll listen to anything from Fats Waller to Lady GaGa, Glenn Miller to Steve Miller, Karen Carpenter to Shania Twain, Spike Jones to The Moody Blues, Al Green to Elvis Presley, Ted Weems to The Beach Boys, Creedence Clearwater Revival to Taylor Swift. How new the recordings are does not make a particle of difference to me. Instead, to quote Berry Gordy, “it’s what’s in the groove that counts.”
Gary Theroux
Frankly I'm all for this since it will be more a accurate representation of the public's taste. To forget the fact that every generation young men and women discover the Beatles, Stones, CCR etc ... leads to a misleading chart. This assumes of course one cares about CHART in the year 2009. Old Fart
And, speaking of recently re-released material, here's the latest from our FH Buddy Joe Klein regarding that Jackson Five album he's been telling us about! (kk)
Hi Kent,
Yesterday (Tuesday, November 10) the new JACKSON 5 album called I WANT YOU BACK! UNRELEASED MASTERS was released and is available for sale everywhere.
The entire album was mixed by my old friend RUSS TERRANA, who mixed all the original JACKSON 5 and MICHAEL JACKSON hits for Motown, where he worked as the chief recording and mixing engineer from 1966 until 1998 (except for a stint in 1967-1968 when he worked for his brother, RALPH TERRANA at Ralph's own Detroit studio, TERA SHIRMA).
I've previously written that Russ mixed down a mind-boggling 89 number #1 singles. New research for a story I'll be posting online next week reveals that the number is even greater, at 92 #1 hits! This has got to be a record accomplishment in its own right!
To commemorate the release of the new album and as an ode to good buddy, I posted a cool little story online about the release and Russ' participation in the project. It includes an exclusive and heartfelt "message to Michael" from Russ himself. The story has a few nice photos in it, including another EXCLUSIVE! It's a photo of Michael taken by Russ himself back in "the day" which has never been published!
You can find the article, and the photos, here:
Next week, I'll be posting a cool article that's a pretty in-depth story about Russ' career and accomplishments. Of course, FORGOTTEN HITS will be the first to know! Meanwhile, Kent, deep up the good work and BLOG ON!
New Media Joe
And one more blurb about The Beatles!
The BBC video programme mentioned, 'A Magical History Tour', is using the sub-title name of a video already available. 'The Beatles London - A Magical History Tour'. The format is the same but it's a tour of the Beatles London connections.
George Van Win,
Hey Kent,
I'm reading about the Rhino party at the Egyptian Theater and I am disappointed to find out about it after the fact. In the future if you know of any relative events for this Rhino package before the fact, and can remember to let me know, I'd really appreciate it. It is good to know that "Yellow Balloon" is in the packaged set. I would have been glad to attend the event and see some old faces.
Alex Valdez
Yellow Balloon
Unfortunately, quite often we don't get the amount of advance notice we need to properly help publicize events like these ... quite a bit of buzz AFTER the fact (thanks, in part to our lengthy piece on Merrell Fankhauser and the participation of FH Regulars Billy Hinsche and Bobby Hart) ... wish we could have been there ... and it would have been great to see YOU there, too, Alex!!! When you folks out there have a really cool event like this coming up, you need to get us this information in time to publicize it ... I feel quite certain (based on the amount of response I've already seen) that we could have helped direct quite a few more oldies music fans your way!!! Meanwhile, Billy Hinsche sent me the complete itinerary for this special event:
When: Sunday, November 1
Where: The Egyptian Theatre, 6712 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood
The day’s events include:
Monkees Matinee - See four episodes of The Monkees television series not available on DVD (“The Case Of The Missing Monkee,” “Monkees Marooned,” “The Chaperone,” and “The Frodis Caper”). Previously unscreened theatrically, these rare 35mm prints feature soundtracks unheard since 1973. Host Andrew Sandoval, a respected authority on The Monkees, will also screen rare trailers and commercials featuring the pre-fab foursome. Following the screening, Sandoval will lead a Q&A session that features Bobby Hart, a key songwriter for The Monkees, and other surprise guests.
Promotional Film Potpourri - A screening of archival promotional films that feature The Mamas & The Papas at the Hollywood boutique deVoss; Sonny & Cher recording at Gold Star Studios; Boyce & Hart on Hollywood Boulevard singing “Out And About”; The Turtles visiting The Plush Pup and Pandora’s Box on the Sunset Strip. Domenic Priore, author of Riot On Sunset Strip: Rock ’N’ Roll’s Last Stand In Hollywood, will kick things off with a brief, color slide show.
Mondo Mod (1967) - A full-color pastiche of what made L.A. teens tick during the era, narrated by KHJ disc jockey Humble Harv. See the Sunset Strip and Hollywood Boulevard in their mod-prime, from Belinda boutique and Lewin’s Record Shop to dancing at the Whisky A Go Go.
Riot On Sunset Strip (1967) - Described as the “garage punk Nashville” in Marshall Crenshaw’s definitive rock ’n’ roll movie book, Hollywood Rock, the film features The Standells, The Chocolate Watchband and The Enemys. Riot follows the exploits of L.A. mods and their corporate grandfathers trying to rub out all the fun on The Strip.
The Pad, And How To Use It (1966) - Unavailable on DVD, this obscure feature (adapted from a stage play) follows a lonely bachelor looking for love at a symphonic recital who finds himself mixed up with a sexy swinger turned on by the Sunset Strip scene. The Pad features a healthy dose of Whisky A Go Go footage, when folks there still knew how to dance. The Knickerbockers (of “Lies” and “One Track Mind” fame) – the Red Velvet house band – are featured on stage. That alone makes this rarely seen Hollywood hacker flick a worthy trip for the discriminating Nuggets audience.
-- Billy Hinsche
Now seriously ... who amongst us wouldn't have LOVED to spend the day there celebrating with THESE guys?!?!?
And, speaking of up-coming shows ...
Long-time Eagles bassist Timothy B. Schmit has announced additional west coast tour dates to showcase songs from his new solo album "Expando". Fans in Portland, Seattle, Sacramento, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles and San Diego have the chance to see Timothy perform new songs from "Expando" as well as classic hits in an intimate club setting.
Monday, December 7, 2009 - Portland, OR - The Aladdin Theater
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 - Seattle, WA - Triple Door
Friday, December 11, 2009 - Sacramento, CA - The Crest Theater
Sunday, December 13, 2009 - San Francisco, CA - The Great American Music Hall
Monday, December 14, 2009 - Santa Barbara, CA - Soho
Thursday, December 17, 2009 - Los Angeles, CA - The Troubadour
Monday, December 21, 2009 - San Diego, CA - Belly Up
And be sure to check out http://www.Timothybschmit.com for new exclusive studio videos just released from the recording of the album "Expando", now available in stores and online at Amazon, iTunes and Timothy's official store.
Thank you!
Timothy B. Schmit
In a rare and unique event, Randy Bachman, who is often referred to as the "architect of Canadian rock n' roll," will bring his award-winning radio program, Randy's Vinyl Tap, to live audiences at CBC's Glenn Gould Theatre in Tornoto.
Known for his master story-telling and his voluminous musical knowledge, Randy Bachman takes fans on an entertaining journey in "Guitarology 101."
Listen and, for the first time, watch as a part of music history unfolds - from Fender Telecaster, Gibson Les Paul to Gretsch - and is recreated - from echo, flanging, distortion to overdrive - to showcase effects heard on some of the greatest records in the world.
Joining Randy Bachman is Denise McCann and the Randy Bachman Band in an experience like no other. This two-hour live affair promises music lovers and intimate and unforgettable evening with one of the greatest rock icons of our time.
Join Randy Bachman ... and Randy's Vinyl Tap
Live In Toronto ...
On January 29th and 30th, 2010 at the
Glen Gould Studio
Toronto, ON
More details are available at Randy's website
... and be sure to check out some up-coming Davie Allan appearances, too, listed below in our "Instrumentals" section!
>>>I am looking for a song by "Just Us" called "I Can't Grow Peaches on a Cherry Tree". Nancy Sinatra does it as well, but I think this was the original. Can anyone help? (Sharon)
>>>We featured this one a LONG time ago in Forgotten Hits ... a GREAT forgotten oldie!Made up of the duo Al Gorgoni and Chip Taylor, this was their one and only hit, peaking at #34 in Billboard Magazine in 1966. (kk)
That is a great song, but the Just Us version was not the original. A version by The Browns (called "You Can't Grow Peaches On A Cherry Tree") got some airplay in Cleveland in the summer of 1965, and Bubbled Under at 120 on the Whitburn charts on 7-10-65. I am attaching the mp3; this is a good version as well. I don't know if there were any other versions prior to this one.
I don't know if there were earlier versions of this or not either ... although there ARE rumors circulating that the fact that he couldn't grow peaches on his cherry tree was what ultimately led to George Washington chopping down said tree in complete frustration in the first place!!! The song was written by Estelle Levitt and Camille Monte (two eye-witnesses to George's legendary act of violence perhaps???) and even the Just Us version, which first charted in the Spring of 1966, was FIRST released as a single on the Minuteman Record Label the year before, where it went virtually unnoticed ... which I suppose COULD mean that THEY, in fact, recorded it first. Either way, it's a GREAT, Forgotten Hit ... and, if you don't believe me, just ask Bobaloo!!! (kk)
This is surreal! I recently ended an extensive ebay search and wait for a copy of "Cherry Tree" on 45, and got one, cleaned it up with Adobe Audition, and played it on the Good Time Gold Show about a month ago. That's just weird!
Next you are going to mention Baby, You Come Rollin' Cross my Mind I guess.
LOL ... which version of "Baby, You Come Rollin' Cross My Mind" are you referring to?!?!? (Didn't we just feature the John Beland version a month or two ago?!?!?) Personally, I've always liked Rick Nelson's version of this tune, too!!! And we're glad to hear that SOMEBODY out there played "You Can't Grow Peaches On A Cherry Tree" by Just Us on the radio ... even if it WAS a month before we suggested doing so!!! (lol) kk
Excellent! Thank everyone for their input. I'm going to print this out for my son so he can read it in the car. They're going to their dad's this weekend, and maybe he'll see his great grandma again and maybe get some info out of her as to her association with the group.
Glad to help ... and how cool is it that Forgotten Hits List Member Gary Theroux helped to put together an Ink Spots Greatest Hits Package!!! (kk)
I found the Ink Spots stuff interesting, partly because I remember them from way back. I had a hard time tracking down one of their songs which seemed to be omitted from every damned album I checked out in the record stores. I finally found it on the web. The reason I wanted the song was because it was the source of Elvis' recording of the same song, and I'm damned if his version isn't almost identical lyric-wise to the Ink Spots' version. The song? 'That's When Your Heartaches Begin'.
One of my favourite Ink Spots recordings is 'Don't Tell A Lie About Me Dear, And I Won't Tell The Truth About You'.
George Van Win,
Apparently not the only Ink Spots / Elvis Presley connection ... read on!!!
The Ink Spots were my Dad's favorite group. The lead vocalist, Nick Kenny, had a very sweet, almost falsetto, voice. You said "their music REALLY sounds dated today". Yes, that may be true, but a very popular current day video game called "Fallout3" features the Ink Spots "I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire", in the sound track, and in that context, it sounds perfect, and I find myself humming it, a lot. I suspect a whole new younger generation is being exposed to their music. I had recently heard "Whispering Grass" and loved it. I started to perform this song in my gigs for seniors and they absolutely love it. Also, Elvis did a version of an Ink Spot's song called " A Fool Such As I". I also do that at my gigs. Great stuff Kent. Keep it coming.
Bob HughesWeb Site: www.BobHughesMusic.net
Perhaps it was as part of this video came that Kristy's son first heard about The Ink Spots, thus inspiring this whole conversation in the first place. (Not your typical FH Fare, to be sure ... but to paraphrase The True Oldies Channel, you never know WHAT we're going to cover next here in Forgotten Hits!!!) We couldn't find a copy of The Ink Spots' version of "(Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I" ... but George Van Win, another Forgotten Hits Reader, sent us "That's When Your Heartaches Begin", another tune later covered by Elvis ... so we've got THAT one featured today. (If "A Fool Such As I" turns up, we'll post it in a future edition.) kk
Hey Kent ...
I know it's not the correct thing to say nowadays.
This is how i feel about Christmas. What do you think ?
Frank B.
YouTube - Christmas With a Capital "C"
Normally I don't go in for these type of songs ... but this one hits home ... especially in light of the fact that our daughter came home from 8th Grade this past week and told us about the lecture the kids got about ONLY using the phrase "Happy Holidays" from this point forward. (kk)
re: ZZ TOP:
Just back from Ft. Worth where ZZ Top was helicoptered in to performed a concert-length set at Texas Motor Speedway on Sunday, November 8 prior to the start of NASCAR Dickies 500 race. Following their performance, the band got things going not only by announcing "Gentlemen, start your engines" but also by dint of the fact that drummer Frank Beard drove the pace car. Photo below shows the band (+ mascot GiZZmo) with US Army honor guard in the TMS infield.

Transcript of pre-race press conference by Ft. Worth Star - Telegram's David Thomas:
Five questions with ZZ Top:
ZZ Top is celebrating its 40th year of rockin’ the world. Before Sunday’s Dickies 500, the group that formed in Houston played an hour-long set alongside the frontstretch. Billy Gibbons, Dusty Hill and Frank Beard (oddly enough, the one without a long beard) are the band’s original members. They met with reporters before the race to talk about their career and Beard’s opportunity to drive the pace car to start the race.
What were your expectations when you first came together, and are you surprised to be still going?
Gibbons: I think our expectations are reflected in our appearance here today. It’s quite similar: fast and loud. That’s all we cared about. But we’re still doing it.
Frank, you once raced in the 24 Hours of Daytona, correct?
Beard: I did. We put together a little team out of Houston and raced in the GTU category, and we came in second. It’s a very expensive sport.
All three of you are wearing sunglasses. Did you pay a lot for them?
Gibbons: Well, as the song goes, they used to be cheap sunglasses.
Hill: Not anymore.
Beard: Prescription sunglasses is probably better.
Frank, what was your time in the pace car before the race like?
Beard: It’s a little more technical than I thought it would be. I thought I would just get out there and drive around in a circle. They want you to run a certain line. I didn’t realize that you ran at a certain speed so they could set the tachometer so they don’t get penalized on pit lane. It was eye-opening.
You will play before about 170,000 today. Have you ever played in a front of a crowd that big?
Beard: I think the biggest audience we ever played in front of was in Auckland, New Zealand. It was 600,000.
Hill: Which is pretty much New Zealand.
-- submitted by Bob Merlis/M.F.H.
It's been a little while since we gave you an update as to the status of this hot new musical documentary ... this is a film that NEEDS to be seen ... but apparently the film makers have run into some fairly serious licensing issues. For more information on how YOU can help make this dream a reality, drop me a line and I'll forward you the latest information. (kk)
Kent ...
Long before he became known as the Father Of Woodstock, Artie Kornfeld was a hit songwriter / producer (“The Pied Piper”, “The Rain, The Park, and Other Things”)
When I went to Los Angeles for the first time in 1968 there were three places I wanted to see: Malibu Beach, MacArthur Park, and “Dead Man’s Curve”. Now 40 years later, I asked my longtime friend and sometime collaborator to tell me the story behind Jan and Dean’s “Classic Hit”, and how he co -wrote “Dead Man’s Curve”, with Brian Wilson and Jan Berry.
“One day, Brian and I were chilling and trying out this tiny Honda that the company had sent him as a thank you for writing the Hondells “Hey Little Honda.” We were cruisin’ about 3 miles from his ex-wife, Marilyn’s mom’s house. Brian, as he was known to do, was pushing two hundred pounds way over what a 60 cc Honda could handle. I said 'Bry, you should slow down', as in Santa Monica there is a lot of sand on the streets. We went over and both the bike ... and us ... were torn apart. We carried half a Honda each 3 miles, bleeding like crazy, to an open door in an empty house.We noticed a piece of blank paper on the piano and Bry sat down and I pulled up a chair and, I guess because of recent events I wrote down the words, “Dead Man's Curve”. Brian started a two four piano rhythm but I didn’t have any idea for the lyric … except I always envied Jan’s Corvette, sang to Brian’s chords” I was crusin’ in my Sting Ray late one night and an XKE pulled upon the right…” Brian repeated what I wrote down with the melody and I almost finished the lyric in about 30 minutes with me writing the words, some with Brian, as being a New Yorker after I put us on Sunset Blvd.
I had no idea what landmarks we would pass to that curve after Doheny where it turns right and heads into Beverly Hills..."
FOR THE COMPLETE STORY WITH RARE PHOTOS AND VIDEO! http://artiewayne.wordpress.com/2009/11/14/artie-kornfeld-and-the-true-story-behind-dead-mans-curve/
Cool story, Artie ... we ALWAYS love hearing the stories BEHIND the songs!!! Thanks for sharing this with our readers. (kk)
Be sure to check THIS one out ... lots of cool stuff to look at and listen to! (kk) Click here: HITS OF YESTERYEAR
A few weeks back we told you about a brand new oldies music magazine called "Keep Rockin'" ... in fact, their most recent issue (at the time) featured an interview with our FH Buddies The Buckinghams ... and we looked EVERYWHERE for a copy but it was already sold out.
Well, guess what!!! "Keep Rockin'" Publisher Liz Harris has just joined our Forgotten Hits Mailing List ... AND she tells me that she's still got a few copies left should any of our readers like to get one for their very own!!!
Simply visit the website ... and tell them that Forgotten Hits sent you!!! More information (and a few words from Liz) below!!! (kk)
Hi Kent,
I'm Co-owner & Publisher of a fantastic new 50's & 60's music / nostalgia magazine called Keep Rockin'. I'd like to subscribe to your Forgotten Hits blog. My partner, Lou Holly and I recently completed our 6th issue which marks being in business for one year!
Also, I'd like to send you our current issue of Keep Rockin' which features the original Bill Haley & The Comets on the cover.
Our 5th issue is the one you were looking for ... it has Chubby Checker on the cover and a nice article about The Buckinghams written by Dawn Lee Wakefield.
Keep Rockin' is sold in some of the Borders Book Stores, Barnes & Noble, B. Dalton and many independent used record stores. The major book stores are still test marketing us so we're not in all of them. I checked the Schaumburg area and we are in Borders at 1540 E. Golf Rd. and the Barnes & Noble at 590 E. Golf Rd. I checked our distribution and the 5th issue sold out in the B & N store.
Let us know how you like Keep Rockin'. We're all in the same business together keeping the music alive!!
Liz Harris, Publisher
Lou Holly, Editor
By the way, if any of your readers are interested, we still have copies of the Sept / Oct issue which has an article about The Buckinghams and also the show at the Star Plaza Theatre starring The Buckinghams, The Ides of March and Ronnie Rice. Also, The Buckinghams will have some of these copies for sale at their next show.
For all of your Bill Haley fans, there is a great article in the December issue about Bill Haley & the Comets along with some rare photos and artifacts.
Thanks for spreading the word about Keep Rockin'!
Liz & Lou
It sounds like quite a few of you have been enjoying the Instrumentally Yours Weekend on The True Oldies Channel ... we've been receiving ALL kinds of emails (and votes) for our All-Time Favorite Instrumental Poll as well. (Remember, the polls close on FRIDAY, the 20th ... so PLEASE get your votes in on time!!!) kk
Meanwhile here is some OTHER radio news ...
Radio-Info.com "Ross on Radio" reviews Hit Parade Radio 11-10-09
First Listen: Hit Parade Radio
Veteran programmer John Rook has been a tireless crusader in recent years for the MOR and pure pop artists who were a significant part of Top 40’s first two decades. His Hit Parade Hall Of Fame has inducted artists like Paul Anka, Connie Francis, Pat Boone, Dean Martin and the Carpenters, along with more-frequently honored Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, Johnny Cash, and the Beach Boys, and many others. Now, Rook’s long-in-the-offing Hit Parade Radio, a syndicated offering featuring legendary jocks Larry Lujack and Wink Martindale, is up and streaming. It’s not quite as pre-1964 or MOR-based as one might have expected. Instead, it’s ‘50s through ‘70s with just a hint of the MOR music heard in Top 40’s early days. Rook, who says he is “not in any hurry to move to AM / FM radio syndication,” particularly if it restricts his programming freedom, which is currently at 3,000 titles. The format is primarily music and drops; Rook says he hopes to have it it fleshed-out to where where he wants it by January.
Here’s Hit Parade Radio at 2:40 on Sunday afternoon (8): Carpenters, “Superstar”; Van McCoy, “The Hustle”; Mamas & Papas, “Monday Monday”; Wilbert Harrison, “Kansas City”; Chi-Lites, “Oh Girl”; Association, “Cherish”; Charlie Rich, “The Most Beautiful Girl”; Neil Diamond, “Songs Sung Blue”; Pablo Cruise, “Whatcha Gonna Do”; Debbie Reynolds, “Tammy”; John Denver, “I’m Sorry”; Louis Armstrong, “Hello Dolly”; Harry Belafonte, “The Banana Boat Song (Day-O)”; Jefferson Starship, “Count On Me”; Archies, “Sugar Sugar”; Platters, “Twilight Time”; Meco, “Star Wars Theme-Cantina Band”
I kicked it on for a little while, too, while preparing today's edition of The Sunday Comments, during which time I heard: "What Kind Of Fool" by Barbra Streisand and Barry Gibb (actually an early '80's tune!); "Theme from 'The Magnificent Seven'" by Al Caiola (a song that's been earning some of your votes in our All-Time Favorite Instrumental Poll); "Stuck In The Middle With You" by Stealers Wheel; "Just One Look" by Linda Ronstadt; "Enjoy Yourself" by The Jacksons; "When I Fall In Love" by The Lettermen; "Personality" by Lloyd Price and "If You're Ready (Come Go With Me)" by The Staple Singers. Give it a listen for yourself at the link above ... I've only heard short little promo bits by Larry Lujack so far ... but hopefully his radio comeback is coming soon!!! (kk)
And, speaking of Your Favorite Instrumentals ...
We did it!!!
Thanks to the on-going support of all of you guys out there, we just passed 10,000 votes in our latest Forgotten Hits "Favorites" Poll ... and, if for some reason you HAVEN'T voted yet, there's STILL time to get YOUR votes in. (Remember, the polls close next Friday, November 20th ... so if you haven't voted yet, get YOUR votes in now!!!)
Meanwhile, here are a few more of your favorites (kk):
With regard to the instrumentals list: Did I miss t , but I haven't seen "Harlem Nocturne" mentioned. That song was played by every group that had a sax in it. Also, "Caravan" hasn't been mentioned which is another one that was a staple for drummers.
Alex Valdez / Yellow Balloon
Actually, "Harlem Nocturne" is doing quite well ... now up to 79 votes as of this morning. (LOTS of votes coming in this weekend with Scott Shannon's "Instrumentally Yours" Weekend running on The True Oldies Channel!!!) "Caravan" hasn't even been nominated. (kk)
Speaking of which, we're finalizing our live radio countdown (and a subsequent podcast) ... stay tuned for more details.
While Davie Allan's classic 1967 Hit "Blues' Theme" is pretty much assured a spot in the Top 50 ... 107 votes as we go to press this morning ... Davie is hardly resting on his past laurels ... in fact, he's got a brand new CD out right now called "Retrophonic" ... which has got to be the third or fourth new release we've been privileged to hear since he joined our Forgotten Hits Mailing List a few years back. And, once again Davie is giving away a free, autographed copy to one of our Forgotten Hits Readers!!! Interested??? Just drop me a line and put "Davie Allan CD" in the subject line and we'll enter your name to win a copy. We'll pick a winner in plenty of time to send out an early Christmas Present!!!
Meanwhile, here are a couple of Davie's upcoming concert dates:
Thanks, Kent!
Check out these upcoming shows:
November 21st, 2009
Turf Club
1601 University Ave. W.
St Paul, MN 55104
November 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 2009
Oneida Casino
2020 / 2100 Airport Drive
Green Bay, WI 54313
Also, the new album was just added to Amazon and a couple of reviews are coming up in San Diego's "Ugly Things" 'zine and in "Vintage Guitar". Let me send you a copy to be used as another Forgotten Hits Give-Away!
New Release — Davie Allan and the Arrows Album!
Throughout the ‘60s, Davie Allan established himself as the King of the Fuzz Guitar by composing and recording classic guitar instrumentals for some two dozen exploitation films. His manic, buzz saw guitar tone became the sonic trademark of a whole subgenre, the biker flick. One of his instrumental hits, "Blues' Theme" from The Wild Angels, remains an evocative rock-instrumental classic.
“Allan’s rich sense of melody and atmosphere drew much from pre-eminent 60’s sound track kingpins Henry Mancini and John Barry, but with Allan’s warped fuzz-OD whammy bar shimmy-shake proclivities.
Allan could meld both sweet and sour into a convincing presentation, delivered with such just-for-the-Hell-of-it, because-it’s-there disregard. Allan’s overall style, in fact, is a breath takingly well chosen manner of assaultive barrage, one whose sensitivity in terms of notes per solo is practically stoic in comparison to the immoderate noodling of so many contemporaries. The breadth and ambition with which Allan wielded his axe was, and still is today, nothing less than stunning.” –Jonny Whiteside (L.A. Weekly, 2005).
Many of Allan’s classic 60’s recordings have been reissued by Sundazed Records, giving a whole new generation access to his unique guitar style. Released were the “Apache ‘65”, “Blues Theme” and “Cycle-Delic Sounds Of …” albums plus two anthologies. Sundazed is in negotiations to also re-release many of the 60’s soundtracks on CD.
Davie continues to record not only his own compositions but also classic tunes known to all audiences. His latest CD on his “Arrow Dynamic” label, “Retrophonic” features new tracks with the amazing Dusty Watson on drums and the equally amazing Sam Bolle on bass. Included are many previously unreleased tracks, one of which features Wayne Allwine on lead vocal from 1967. After his stint as an “Arrow” in the 60’s, Wayne became the 3rd official voice of “Mickey Mouse” in 1977. He passed away in May 2009 and this album is dedicated to his memory.
“Allan’s rich sense of melody and atmosphere drew much from pre-eminent 60’s sound track kingpins Henry Mancini and John Barry, but with Allan’s warped fuzz-OD whammy bar shimmy-shake proclivities.
Allan could meld both sweet and sour into a convincing presentation, delivered with such just-for-the-Hell-of-it, because-it’s-there disregard. Allan’s overall style, in fact, is a breath takingly well chosen manner of assaultive barrage, one whose sensitivity in terms of notes per solo is practically stoic in comparison to the immoderate noodling of so many contemporaries. The breadth and ambition with which Allan wielded his axe was, and still is today, nothing less than stunning.” –Jonny Whiteside (L.A. Weekly, 2005).
Many of Allan’s classic 60’s recordings have been reissued by Sundazed Records, giving a whole new generation access to his unique guitar style. Released were the “Apache ‘65”, “Blues Theme” and “Cycle-Delic Sounds Of …” albums plus two anthologies. Sundazed is in negotiations to also re-release many of the 60’s soundtracks on CD.
Davie continues to record not only his own compositions but also classic tunes known to all audiences. His latest CD on his “Arrow Dynamic” label, “Retrophonic” features new tracks with the amazing Dusty Watson on drums and the equally amazing Sam Bolle on bass. Included are many previously unreleased tracks, one of which features Wayne Allwine on lead vocal from 1967. After his stint as an “Arrow” in the 60’s, Wayne became the 3rd official voice of “Mickey Mouse” in 1977. He passed away in May 2009 and this album is dedicated to his memory.
Sounds like some SERIOUS flooding going on out Wildwood-way ... we really enjoyed visiting that area a couple of years ago ... and I know that we have a number of FH Readers in the Wildwood, New Jersey and Philadelphia area ... our best wishes go out to you as you weather the storm. This just in from FH Reader Gary Renfield:
i've never known of this when i lived there ... and i don't think the news hits over where you are ... but ... this n'or-easter that just hit my general area?
new jersey ave ... the one that splits wildwood lengthwise ... is underwater!!!
i lived 5 and a half blocks from the beach ... about the same to the bay ... the bay and ocean have connected because of the flooding !!!
i lived 5 and a half blocks from the beach ... about the same to the bay ... the bay and ocean have connected because of the flooding !!!
amazing ...the news showed one car that wasn't evacuated with most everyone else ...
rat bastards ... weathermen ... i got up for work ...had on 5 different channels ... for weather ... i knew the waves were huge and destroying the beach at sea girt,and the wildwood business ... but no one gave MY local weather ... i'm not that far north of sea girt ... but not on the water ... we ended up having dark clouds ... lots of wind ... and a few misty sprinkles of rain ...but for what they showed on tv ... i should have been building an ark!we got a nasty day ... but nothing like the story the news was reporting ... gary
rat bastards ... weathermen ... i got up for work ...had on 5 different channels ... for weather ... i knew the waves were huge and destroying the beach at sea girt,and the wildwood business ... but no one gave MY local weather ... i'm not that far north of sea girt ... but not on the water ... we ended up having dark clouds ... lots of wind ... and a few misty sprinkles of rain ...but for what they showed on tv ... i should have been building an ark!we got a nasty day ... but nothing like the story the news was reporting ... gary
And, speaking of our Philly-area readers ...
Freddy "Boom Boom" Cannon
'Nuff said!!! Thanks, Freddy ... concise and to the point!!! (kk)
Hi Kent,
Whatever you're doing this weekend, make sure you go see "Pirate Radio."
We went to the midnight screening on Thursday (couldn't wait for Friday.) The movie's great ... it's based on Radio Caroline in the 60's and the British government's obsession with stopping it ... and you'll want to stop and buy the soundtrack on your way home.
There's an import soundtrack that's a 2 CD Set ... that's probably the one I'll get. (I guess it's been out there for a while already ... in fact, I think you can even buy the British DVD ... but unfortunately it's not compatible with our US players.
We're planning to go tomorrow ... Frannie wants to see the world end first so we're seeing 2012 today!!!
Please send us a review ... I'm planning on doing a whole feature piece on this real soon.
THANKS, Carolyn!!!
I have the 2 CD set ... well worth it. I'll send you a review ASAP. By the way. some of the sellers say they have DVDs that play in all Blu-Ray players. If any of your readers ask, it's the same movie that was originally advertised as "The Boat That Rocked" ... don't know why they changed the name.
There's an import soundtrack that's a 2 CD Set ... that's probably the one I'll get. (I guess it's been out there for a while already ... in fact, I think you can even buy the British DVD ... but unfortunately it's not compatible with our US players.
We're planning to go tomorrow ... Frannie wants to see the world end first so we're seeing 2012 today!!!
Please send us a review ... I'm planning on doing a whole feature piece on this real soon.
THANKS, Carolyn!!!
I have the 2 CD set ... well worth it. I'll send you a review ASAP. By the way. some of the sellers say they have DVDs that play in all Blu-Ray players. If any of your readers ask, it's the same movie that was originally advertised as "The Boat That Rocked" ... don't know why they changed the name.
Enjoy 2012. The reviews here said that the effects are amazing, but the third act makes you feel like it won't end till 2012 ... but we're going to see it anyway.
I met Emporer Rosko ... the American deejay Philip Seymour Hoffman's character is partially based on. You could tell he was someone who really loved what he did ... very nice guy. I think he still does ... or did ... some form of radio ... last I heard he was living in LA. His dad was Joe Pasternak, the producer who did a lot of movies in the 40's and 50's as well as "Where The Boys Are" and a couple of Elvis' films.
I'm sure you know this, but "2012" is almost 3 hours long. Get the large popcorn.
COMING NEXT WEEK: More on the hot new film release, "Pirate Radio" ... we've already heard from several FH Readers who have already seen (and LOVED) the film ... and we'll share some of those comments later in the week. (kk)
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