Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Mark Your Calendar

Chuck Buell tells us that tomorrow is another Special Day that we should all be aware of!

December 15th is “Cat Herders Day!” 


It’s a day set aside to acknowledge you if your life or job feels like herding cats! 


For the definitive . . . ah . . . definition of that, just ask Kent as he “drives” through his near-daily efforts of collecting, writing, editing and posting of Forgotten Hits!


This video first aired during Super Bowl XXXIV in 2000 and it was widely talked about afterwards those twenty-two years ago.

And, yes, I have shared this with you before but it is, IMHO, so good, I think today is a prime time for another Fun share reboot! 


So, saddle up and head ‘em out!


CB ( which stands for “Cat Boy!” )