Wednesday, August 28, 2024

August 28th, 1964


8/28/64 – After playing a show at Forest Hills Tennis Stadium in New York, The Beatles meet Bob Dylan for the very first time.   

The meeting takes place at The Delmonico Hotel and Dylan (along with journalist Al Aronowitz) reportedly introduces them to marijuana in their New York hotel room.  

Ironically, one year later to the day, on August 28th, 1965, Bob Dylan will perform a show at Forest Hill Tennis Stadium, backed by a band that included Robbie Robertson, Levon Helm, Harvey Brooks and Al Kooper in the second set.  (Dylan performed the first set alone, all acoustic … which is the way they performed for the entire tour.)

Two years later, Paul McCartney will write a song about his love of the drug called “Got To Get You Into My Life” … and fourteen years after that, he will spend time in a Japanese jail for possession of the drug.