Monday, March 10, 2025

The Fab Four

A week and a half ago I had to miss my chance to see Johnny Mathis at Foxwoods Casino due to a bad ice and snow storm that started on a Saturday afternoon and included the entire state. I cannot control the weather. I won't even try to pretend I do. It made my Thursday concert, February 27th, of The Fab Four in Ridgefield, CT, even more important to me. Thursday night or not, I need to get to this sold-out event.

To celebrate 60 years of The Beatles' "invasion" of the USA, a performance called 'USA Meets The Beatles' has been touring, not only the USA, but the world. The Fab Four have several options of shows that they perform and I believe I have seen them all ... until they started this new one. I gotta go! You want to come along?

There are 17 possible performers within The Fab Four. I have not seen all of them. Tonight I will see a "Paul" and "George" who are new to me. "John," "Ringo" and "Ed Sullivan" and I have met before. 

Why so many? They have become very popular, have outlasted other tribute bands, and now can take time off, be sick, or handle family issues without canceling concert dates. My first thought, and maybe yours, is that you have a hit or miss chance to see a good show. They have foiled me every time by making me BELIEVE before the intermission that they are:
     1. Excellent musicians
     2. Know the repertoire
     3. Are comfortable in character
     4. WANT to be here on stage, portraying these 4 fab talented human beings
Again ... a splendid time was had by all!

The first act is a recreation of The Ed Sullivan Show from February 9, 1964. Proper suits, bows after each song. The Brian Epstein presentation directive. A quick change, while 'Ed' and 60s commercials entertain us, into the black turtlenecks of the MEET THE BEATLES album.  We get the whole album performed. Songs I have never heard sung live, I remember instantly and sing along. The lady next to me says, "I can't remember who I talked to yesterday, but I remember every word they sing." As in real life, The Ed Sullivan Show is my conservative vantage point to watch and slowly decide on whether I like this group. The minute they emerge in the turtlenecks and show even more of the individual characteristics of John, Paul, George and Ringo, I am hooked! I needed this concert! I needed these songs.

All My Lovin'
Till There Was You
She Loves You
I Saw Her Standing There
I Want To Hold Your Hand
It Won't Be Long
This Boy
Don't Bother Me
Little Child
Hold Me Tight
I Wanna Be Your Man
Not A Second Time - Performed with The Beatles Cartoon moving behind them.
Twist and Shout - ALL get up and dance

The personalities come through and the jokes fly. After 'I Wanna Be Your Man', Lennon (Ron McNeil) says, "If you didn't like that song, we'll just give it to The Stones."

An intermission to give them time to grow mustaches and put on the Sgt Pepper suits. I love the brief Pepper Period of songs. Somehow, they all appear more like their characters. Is it the costumes, the choreography, the complicated musical interludes using all of the instruments on stage? The only answer ... YES. These actors/musicians are duplicating what The Beatles initiated/invented. I could not do what The Beatles have done, nor be able to imitate in any form. 

At one time I was able to copy Paul McCartney's autograph using my left hand. OK, I agree. Go home Shelley.

I am asked why John has left the stage. I reply that he is changing costumes while the other three play this "Who is loudest and wins the T-shirt challenge." She asks me, "Then what happens?" I casually remark, "John will have a solo time and then one by one, they will each come back out and ..." I falter ... my voice hesitates, I think my eyes have glassed over remembering. I finish by saying, "And it's magical." 


I float through the remainder of the show, enjoying the progression from The White Album to Let It Be to Abbey Road. The personalities develop, as did the originals. The songs are as The Beatles performed and recorded them. Light-hearted or intense or controversial, but always The Beatles. As individuals and as a group. They perform always as The Beatles.

Thank you tonight's cast:
Ron McNeil as John Lennon
Neil Candelora as Paul McCartney
Robbie Berg as George Harrison
Joe Bologna as Ringo Starr
Jeff DeHart as Ed Sullivan

Shelley J Sweet-Tufano
NE Correspondent
Forgotten Hits