Tuesday, July 19, 2022

HENRY DILTZ's JOURNAL: July 15th - July 21st with THE TURTLES!

It's our latest installment of HENRY DILTZ's JOURNAL ...

Featuring photos and journal entries provided by Henry Diltz and Gary Strobl to share EXCLUSIVELY here in FORGOTTEN HITS!


Tuesday, July 15, 1969

(P) Turtles at Leo Carillo Beach GREAT

 Thursday, July 17, 1969

C-Store (Studio City Camera): Turtle slides to Mark (Volman)

Monday, July 21, 1969

GB (Gary Burden) waked me asking for his projector as Mark (Volman) was there w/ the Turtle slides

I got up, fed the kittys & brought him the projector, stopping by the bank. Staying at GB’s I missed Tai Chi


 Gatefold left (inside)

Gatefold right (inside) 

Henry shot all the photos and did the lettering for the inner sleeve (Gary)