Special thanks to DJ Stu Weiss for sending along this link ... it's a "Guest Book" of Johnny's fans ... and if you loved Johnny's music, you'll want to sign in, too!
Hey, Kent,
In response to Fred's strange e-mail, http://www.jabberwocky.com/carroll/jabber/jabberwocky.html,
you could have responded with a long-forgotten, early '63 Top 20 hit, Neil Sedaka's "Alice in Wonderland."
It's timely again with the Tim Burton - Johnny Depp film juggernaut. Other choices: Jefferson Airplane's "White Rabbit" or Juice Newton's "Queen of Hearts."
Don Effenberger
Yep, I thought about "He's Mine" by Alice Wonderland, too, a #62 Hit back in 1963 that went all the way to #16 here in Chicago!!! But ironically, I had just played "Cinderella" for my daughter and it sounded SO good to hear it again, I just had to feature it in Forgotten Hits. (Can you believe this thing got all the way to #16 in Billboard?!?!?) kk
This is really eerie that you would ask me for a copy of this song today because a friend was talking about this song last night after my friend saw it on someone's blog and then later in the night we heard Dave The Rave play the record on Topshelf Oldies ...
Tom Diehl
Even weirder ... I turned Dave The Rave on around 10:00 Chicago time Saturday Night and he wasn't on ... the earlier guy was substituting ... so I listened to maybe three or four songs and then shut it off ... I didn't know that Dave was coming on later or I would have stuck around!!! (kk)
>>>I have seen the Beach Boys 26 times. Saw them last year in Dayton, Ohio. The show and the music were excellent. Mike may have lost a little, but he never had a great voice ... neither did Jagger. It's the music. When I hear all those old car songs it takes me back to a good time in my life. I thought Mile sounded pretty darn good last year, and I will see him this year in Indiana. Keep going Mike, lets have some FUN,FUN,FUN. Huge Beach Boy Fan! (Joe Fuller)
Howdy, Kent,
Please let Joe Fuller know that if he's going to the BB show in Rising Sun, IN (Grand Victoria Casino) July 30 / 31, I just might see him there. Not 100% sure at this time but would love to see the Mike, Bruce and the group in concert again. It's been five or six years since I saw the show in Ashland, KY. I also visited with Mike and Bruce (along with Brian, Alan and Dave Marks) at the 40th Anniversary of the release of "Pet Sounds" at Capitol Records in June '06 and I saw Alan -- and his wife, Mary Ann -- at Dick Dale's "Musician's Hall of Fame" induction a few months ago here in Nashville.
I only saw the clip of the "Dancing With The Stars" segment that you sent me. I have a gut feeling that Mike will be right on the money on the current tour dates. He certainly knows the material! :)
Fred Vail / Nashville -- "Music City, USA"
Kent ...
Did you see John Gotti, Jr. on 60 minutes?
After Tommy James came out with his Simon and Shuster book, “Me, the Mob and the Music!” a few months ago, it’s seems to be OK to talk openly about the Mob. So I went back to my controversial interview with Tommy and added some things I was afraid to put in the first time! More on Morris Levy … more photos. http://artiewayne.wordpress.com/2010/02/09/tommy-james-shocking-new-book-methe-mob-and-the-music/
Don't forget, on Tuesday night following “American Idol”, “GLEE” returns for it’s second season … by far the best music show on television! http://artiewayne.wordpress.com/2010/04/12/glee-returns-to-number-one/
Artie Wayne
Artie told me that it looks like Tommy James, John Gotti, Jr. and The Cast Of Glee ALL appear to be singing right now!!! (lol) And Tommy recently told Jim Shea that his book is going to be bigger than ANY record he ever had ... which is really saying something, coming from a guy who hit Billboard's Top 40 seventeen times ... and that figure includes eight Top Ten Hits and two #1's!!! No question about it, the book is hot ... and the upcoming movie will be even hotter!!! WTG, Tommy! (Be sure to check out Artie's revamped article ... LOTS more "insider" stuff this time around. Thanks, Artie ... just be sure to drop in and say "hello" every now and again from wherever it is you'll be hiding!!! lol) kk
And, speaking of "Glee" ...
re: GLEE:
It's certainly one of OUR favorite TV shows ... and we SURE would have liked to have been able to get tickets to see the cast's live concert when comes to Chicago in a few weeks ... but NOW comes word about a Toronto, Canada Radio Station that's dubbing itself GLEE-FM!!! Check this out!!!
There have beenWeb-radio stations devoted to TV shows before; (“Life On Mars” offered its version of “1973 Radio” last year). But on Monday, Canada’s Global TV took over a terrestrial station, CIRR (103.9 Proud FM), Toronto’s gay-themed pop / dance outlet, rebranding it “Glee FM” to tie in with the show’s second suite of new episodes starting tonight.
So what did an “All-Glee” format sound like? Regular morning team Patrick & Deb and discussion topics included bullying in high-school and which “Glee” character are you? (There were mostly Rachels.) There was a visit from the York University a capella group (which sang “Don’t Stop Believing”) and a phoner from the show’s co-creator Brad Falchuk. There were callers qualified to win a trip to see “Glee” in New York.
One challenge to doing an “All-Glee” format on Canadian radio? There are no more than 3-1/2 songs from the existing “Glee” catalog that might qualify as Canadian content, and one is “(You’re) Having My Baby.” So the format was actually Glee soundtrack music plus unrelated Cancon. It would have been fun to hear what non-Glee music the station would have interspersed on its own volition otherwise, although there was an occasional Lady Gaga or Adam Lambert song and the station’s regular, but still appropriate “Mandatory Madonna” feature.
In any event, it was more “Glee” music in one day than American radio may have managed to accommodate during the show’s entire first run of episodes. Here’s the first 80 minutes or so of the station yesterday at 6 a.m.:
Glee Cast, “Somebody To Love”
Glee Cast, “Hate On Me”
Max Vangeli & Digital Lab, “Your Love”
Glee Cast, “Alone”
Faber Drive, “G-Get Up & Dance”
Glee Cast, “Take A Bow”
Jane Child, “Don’t Want To Fall In Love”
Glee Cast, “Bust A Move”
Glee Cast, “You Keep Me Hanging On”
Nelly Furtado, “Powerless (Say What You Want)”
Glee Cast, “Sweet Caroline”
K-Os, “Crabbuckit”
Glee Cast, “Taking Chances”
Laura Pausini, “Surrender”
Glee Cast, “Bootylicious”
Glee Cast, “Can’t Fight This Feeling”
Adam Lambert, “Whatya Want From Me”
Glee Cast, “Bust Your Windows”
-- Ross On Radio
Unreal!!! (I wonder how long THIS will last!!! lol)
>>>I've always loved this song (and used to perform this one myself back in the day!) I seem to remember buying the album and the song was, in fact, credited to "Buckinghams and Nicks" for the amazing background vocals as I recall. (I don't have the LP anymore because I ALSO remember thinking at the time that "Magnet And Steel" was the ONLY good song on there!!! lol) kk
Thanks, Kent!!! Yeah, my sister and I both love Magnet And Steel! BTW, I contacted Walter Egan and Walter was kind to inform me: Lindsey Buckingham, Stevie Nicks and Annie McLoone provided backing vocals. :-)
>>>I've always loved this song (and used to perform this one myself back in the day!) kk
I still enjoy Blind Spot's cover of this great song.
David Lewis

P.S. I wanted to mention that that's Ric Fontana on keyboards ... although we've lost touch over the years, I did go to his wedding about ten years ago and he was a hell of a player. Just wanted to give EVERYBODY in the band full credit!!! (kk)
“ROCK CON, the first annual Weekend Of 100 Rock Stars” is set to take place at the Sheraton Meadowlands Hotel & Conference Center in East Rutherford, NJ on the weekend of July 30 – August 1 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday), 2010.
Produced by Charles F. Rosenay!!! and Liverpool Productions, this “fan-oriented rock & roll celebrity show” is like no other. Usually, at a celebrity show, the special guests appearing number 5-10 or 20-50 at the most – never 100 stars all at the same time! ROCK CON models itself after Nashville’s Country Music “original fan fairs” several days each year consisting of fan-driven concerts, autograph signings, photos, product giveaways and meet-and-greets.
In a similar fashion, fans attending the “Weekend Of a 100 Rock Stars” will be able to talk directly to, obtain signed autographs from and meet some of their favorite rock and media personalities on common ground. Those attending the three-day event can also browse through the world’s largest rock & roll music and memorabilia marketplace – over 50 years of rock history. Thousands of fans of all ages are expected to attend, and there will be many special guests linked to The Beatles history, with a special themed "Lennon Legacy" list of guests.
According to producers, "an event of this magnitude is long-overdue. Country artists have their FanFair, there’s ComicCon and baseball players and actors all have shows where they could meet their fans, but this will be the first time Rock & Rollers and music people will get together in such a unique environment."
Although the “Weekend Of A 100 Rock Stars” is months away, some very special guests of honor confirmed to appear include current and former members of such famed rock bands as:
The Hollies (2010 Rock HOF inductees), The Cars, The Animals (1994 Rock HOF inductees), The Toys, The Angels, Jay & The Americans, The 1910 Fruitgum Company, Elephant's Memory, Vanilla Fudge, Tommy James & The Shondells, Tuff Darts, The Yardbirds (1992 Rock HOF inductees), The Stories, The Archies, Spanky & Our Gang, The Rip-Chords, The Fifth Estate, Bay City Rollers, Utopia, The Rascals, Cactus, The Strawbs, Blues Magoos, Human Beinz, The Smithereens, The Go-Gos, Styx, Jefferson Airplne / Starship and many others.
Also, expect to see radio and TV music personalities including legendary television DJ / MC Clay Cole, the only host to have had both The Beatles and the Rolling Stones on the same broadcast.
Producers are quick to point out that the planning has only just begun and “it's already having a snowball effect - musicians, composers and rock stars have started calling us to be part of the weekend celebration."
A comprehensive listing of all the “100 special guests” will be announced shortly.
Tickets go on sale April 15th through the website www.NationalRockCon.com.
For further info, email rock@nationalrockcon.com or call (203) 795-4737.
Media Contact:
Charles F. Rosenay!!!
Liverpool Productions
315 Derby Avenue
Orange, CT 06477
(203) 795-4737
Just a quick reminder about Jim Shea's upcoming interview with Tommy Smothers:
This coming Thursday, 4/22, I'll have my long awaited chat with Tom Smothers. Big month. In fact, by popular demand, since we've had so many of these fine guests lately, we've launched the Best of Jim Shea Saturdays 6-10 am starting 4/10 ... it's just another chance to catch some of these interviews (and other stuff on the show) you may have missed.
Jim Shea / Y103.9
Jim talked with Robby Krieger of The Doors on yesterday's program.
You can "Listen Live" to these interviews here:
Click here: Homepage - Y103.9
Click here: Next Media Live Radio Player
It was SO nice to hear from Gretchen Christopher the other day, founding member of The Fleetwoods. (It's been over a year now since Gretchen and I last spoke ... and, you may recall that we celebrated the release of her "Sweet 16 / Suite 16" CD a couple of years ago in Forgotten Hits as part of our special Leap Year Feature. (Gretchen was born on February 29th ... so 2008 was "officially" her 16th Birthday!!! lol And, she released a brand-new, critically acclaimed CD in honor of this very special event!!!)
Anyway, here's the latest from Gretchen herself:
Kent Kotal, hello!
I'm just getting rid of some old email and ran across your "The60sShop" email address and wanted to say hello.
What would you think of this idea? I may re-release SUITE 16 because once I kicked off its release with a concert in Las Vegas, headlined by THE FLEETWOODS starring GRETCHEN CHRISTOPHER, I returned to Olympia to take over management of Mom's caregiving (which my brother had handled, during the 3-1/2 nearly sleepless years I spent producing the album and also spending more time with Mom).
Fortunately, Mom and I were together when, a month later, in December, we learned that GRETCHEN'S SWEET SIXTEEN (SUITE 16) is among the 2007 BILLBOARD CRITICS' PICKS for 10 BEST ALBUMS OF THE YEAR. Wonderful news, but, having already committed fully to Mom's hospice care, I was not able to properly promote and publicize the album (beyond the announcement below and some radio interviews).
Though doctors said she might not see her 95th birthday, Mom lived to celebrate her 99th birthday and beyond! On July 30th, 2009, which would have been her 100th, we laid Mom's ashes to rest and celebrated a life well lived (see www.TheFleetwoods.com/tributes.htm#Helen_Gray_Christopher )
Now, it's a new year and I tell myself it's time to resume focus on music and performances.
Valentine's Day, February 14, 2010, a feature story, "Love notes that last" (about Little Bill Englehart's "I Love An Angel" and my "Come Softly To Me" - and our respective mates), was published in The Olympian and The News Tribune.
Valentine's night I performed in celebration of the 60th birthday of HEART founding Guitarist Roger Fisher, who (in a memorable spot in the midst of all the rock bands) performed the "Dom Dom"s behind me on "Come Softly To Me" at the King Cat Theater in Seattle, where we raised funds to benefit Haiti. (We'd done such a performance, two years ago, for the Rock Star Reunion).
April 30th, 2010, I've been asked to perform at Seattle's HARD ROCK CAFE in celebration of the 65th birthday of Goldy McJohn, former Keyboard Player of STEPPENWOLF, under whose banner / license they'll now be touring: THE MAGIC CARPET RIDE.
This Friday, April 9, I'll be interviewed by Chuck Dauphin for MUSIC NEWS NASHVILLE and I believe the album will be reviewed. So, I just wanted to bring you up to speed on all these recent events so that you could share the news with all of your fans.
Oh, and someone just reminded me that "Come Softly To Me" (which is re-recorded on SUITE 16) became the nation's #1 Record on the Billboard Hot 100, April 13 through May 10, 1959. It's our 51st anniversary. Let's celebrate!
Catch me up on you, The60sShop, and FORGOTTEN HITS!
Wow ... SO hard to believe that it's been 51 years since "Come Softly To Me" captivated our hearts as the #1 Record in the Country!!! SO glad to hear that you're doing well ... as always, we're happy to let the fans know about your latest goings-on ... so please DO stay in touch with us. Meanwhile, FH Readers are encouraged to check out all of the latest news on Gretchen's website (shown above) ... and, if you haven't already done so, give a listen to some the song-clips from here latest CD! (kk)
And this just in ...
Carl asked me to share with you the latest news with for you and your FH readers:
The Buckinghams are pleased to announce that Carl Giammarese and Nick Fortuna have been invited to perform on the national “Happy Together — 25th Anniversary Tour”. They are joining Flo and Eddie of The Turtles, Micky Dolenz of The Monkees, Mark Lindsay, formerly of Paul Revere and The Raiders, and Rob Grill of The Grass Roots. The 2010 tour begins May 20th and continues in selected cities across the country through June. Longtime Buckinghams’ fans will recall Carl and Nick were featured on the successful 1985 Happy Together Tour, with The Turtles, The Grass Roots, and Gary Lewis & The Playboys. That year, the first “Happy Together” Tour was named one of the Top 10 Highest Grossing Tours in the nation. What’s different for the 2010 Reunion Tour is that all performers will share a single backup band accompanying them, to streamline the concert, so music from all 5 groups can be presented in a 2-hour concert. Carl and Nick will join the HT25 Tour, produced by Flower Power Concerts, in Santa Ynez, California. Carl noted, “It’s an honor to be asked to return for the Happy Together Tour, celebrating the 25th anniversary of a tremendous national tour. We look forward to seeing many of our fans, and making new friends as we travel the country with our colleagues.” Nick said, “It’s a great opportunity to revisit some favorite cities and the same arenas where we performed for Buckinghams’ fans in 1985.”
The Buckinghams, including Bob, Bruce, and Tom, have a full summer and fall schedule booked, independent of the Happy Together Tour that just features Carl and Nick, starting for the next 3 Saturdays:
Saturday, April 17th, Punta Gorda Days Block Party, Punta Gorda, FL
Details: http://everythingpuntagorda.com/blog/?p=614
Saturday, April 24th, Havana Chamber of Commerce Spring Fling, Havana High School, Havana, IL
Details: http://www.scenichavana.com/newsStory.php?NewsID=49&script=news
Saturday, May 1st, Hersheypark Amphitheatre, Hershey, PA
Pollstar always has our most complete schedule.
Thanks for your help in getting the word out, Kent;
Many thanks,
Dawn Lee Wakefield, on behalf of The Buckinghams
Always happy to help to spread the word, Dawn ... hopefully this show will make its way through Chicago ... sounds like a GREAT concert line-up!
By the way, The Buckinghams are one of the acts appearing at this year's Music In The Park Series in Bensenville, Illinois, too. (The Bucks will be live on stage on Wednesday, August 4th.) Honestly, a pretty weak line-up this year, VERY heavy on "cover" and "tribute" bands. Other than The Bucks and The Ides Of March (who open the series on June 9th), it looks like we're going to be subjected to not much more than sound-alike bands: fake-Styx, fake-Eagles and fake-Santana. Of course, we always enjoy seeing The New Invaders ... and I've heard really good things about The Chicago Catz, too ... considering it looked for quite a while that there wasn't even going to BE a Music In the Park Series this year, I guess we really can't complain ... still a GREAT way to spend a nice evening out, listening to free music in the park. (kk)
... and, speaking of great concerts ...re: CONCERT REVIEW:
Hi Guys!
Just wanted to tell you about the fabulous "Tribute to the 60's" we went to a couple of weeks ago. Included in the billing were Sonny Garaci (Precious and Few, Time Wont Let Me), "The Vogues," singer from Three Dog Night, (sorry I don't remember his name) and my favorite, "The Grass Roots" featuring Rob Grill. The Grass Roots always put on a good show. They sang their greatest hit songs and Rob Grill knows how to entice the audience with his singing and charisma and not to mention his story quips. Rob is a highly talented bass player and singer. He is very coordinated to perform such feats simultaneously. Among the songs they sang were "Temptation Eyes," "Sooner or Later," "Midnight Confessions," and a personal tribute was announced by Rob to our current forces fighting overseas and our Viet Nam Vets with "Let's Live for Today." They brought the house down in Upstate Pa. If you get a chance, check them out.
I'm guessing you saw Chuck Negron, probably the best voice IN Three Dog Night but now appearing on his own (or with Blood, Sweat And Tears) while Danny Hutton and Cory Wells continue to perform as a Two-Dog Version of Three Dog Night. (They've never forgiven Chuck for his drug use that ultimately sabotaged and did the band in back in the '70's.) Sounds like another great line-up ... and, as you can see above, you'll have ANOTHER opportunity to catch Rob Grill and The Grass Roots with some other stellar '60's acts real soon! (kk)
And, hot on the heels of Barry talking with us here in Forgotten Hits, I just got word that he'll be joining DJ Stu Weiss on his Top Shelf Oldies "Pop Shoppe" Program later this month. Here are all the details:
At 9 PM on the 23rd of April I will be having a telephone interview with Barry McGuire.
Don't miss this one.
Stu Weiss' Pop Shoppe
The show is on from 7 PM till 3:01 AM (eastern)
Collectors' Choice Music has just announced some brand new, exclusive releases from the coveted vaults of Cameo / Parkway Records. It sounds like this is just the beginning as more titles are already being planned ... but right off the bat, you can now order:
Clint Eastwood: Rawhide's Clint Eastwood Sings Cowboy Favorites
Terry Knight and the Pack: Terry Knight and the Pack / Reflections (CD 2-fer)
Bobby Rydell: Bobby Rydell Salutes The Great Ones / Rydell At The Copa (2-fer)
Chubby Checker: It's Pony Time / Let's Twist Again (2-fer)
The Orlons: The Wah-Watusi / South Street (2-fer)
and a special vocal compilation CD called "Cameo Parkway Vocal Group Collection: Remembe Me Baby" featuring The Rays, The Dovells, The Lydells, Billy and the Essentials, Pookie Hudson and the Spaniels, The Roommates and many, many more.
All these new releases are available through the Collectors' Choice Website:
Click here: Collectors' Choice Music
(and, if you buy the whole set, they'll even throw in a BONUS CD featuring a dozen more tracks, including six NOT found on these new releases!)
... and, speaking of Cameo / Parkway ...
Frank Allen (Searchers) and Bruce Welch (Cliff Richard's Shadows) were in attendance last night at Charlie Gracie's sold out show in London (Twickenham) at the Winning Post R'n' R club.
All smiles are Charlie and Joan Gracie with Frank Allen (left) and Bruce Welch (right) before Charlie's show last night. Charlie -- the guitarist, has long been a huge influence on many British artists ... ranging from McCartney and Harrison of the Beatles to others like Grahan Nash, Ray & Dave Davies, Peter Noone, Albert Lee and more!
Quoting FRANK ALLEN (of the Searchers): "Just got back from seeing your dad ... he had a great night ... the band behind him sounded perfect and Charlie was terrific --- he sang and played up a storm!" (Email came in this morning)
Speaking of Charlie Gracie, it sounds like they're FINALLY putting the finishing touches on to his new LP ... the tapes have been turned over to FH List Member Al Kooper ... and soon, Charlie's new CD will be available to the masses.
How'd you like the chance to NAME it?!?!? We just received THIS interesting offer from Charlie, Jr.!!!
Now that we have your attention ... LOL ... Many of you may already know that Charlie's new CD has gone to mixing (to none other than the great Al Kooper -- he plays on it, too!) but we'd like your input as to the title!
Charlie arrives back from his 5-week concert tour of Great Britain at the end of the month ... but why not surprise him by offering some suggestions.
GRAHAM NASH, PETER NOONE, AL KOOPER, DENNIS DIKEN, TOM T-BONE EDMONDS and others have contributed their talents as a tribute to Charlie. The cd is mostly 'rockin' with the exception of one or two ballads and a quirkie tune. We'd like your input! Here's a few title suggestions we've already receieved:
***Send us yours now! Shorter titles preferred. Your's just might be the one and we'll credit you on the cd if your title is chosen!
-- Charles, Jr.
Got a suggestion? Drop us a line and we'll forward it along to Charlie Gracie, Jr.!!! (Personally, I really like the "Amazing Gracie!" idea!!! And it isn't even MINE!!! lol) kk
Just got this note from our FH Buddy John Madara, regarding a new release from ANOTHER Philadelphia legend:
That Philly Sound is proud to announce that our newest CD, LEN BARRY -- THE LOST LP, has just been released and is available for purchase through CD Baby.
This rare, historical CD features 25 songs by the great, soulful artist, Len Barry. There were singles released from the LP, but the LP featured on the cover was never released in its entirety. Now with this CD, all of the Len Barry Lost LP recordings are presented in their original form, along with 4 never-released and 9 additional masters available for the first time on CD.
Click here to purchase and learn more about Len Barry -- The Lost LP
Also, please go to THAT PHILLY SOUND to purchase other rare Philly CDs, and learn more about the artists and people behind the scenes that made up "The Sound of Philadelphia."
Click here to go to THAT PHILLY SOUND.
THAT PHILLY SOUND is presented by songwriter / record producer John Madara, who co-wrote and co-produced such timeless classics as AT THE HOP (Danny and The Juniors), THE FLY (Chubby Checker), 1-2-3 (Len Barry, who also co-wrote the song) and YOU DON'T OWN ME (Lesley Gore). John also produced the huge hit record, ROCK AND ROLL IS HERE TO STAY (Danny and The Juniors).
All songs have been digitally restored and digitally mastered.
Thanks for your support!
email: thatphillysound@earthlink.net
web: http://www.thatphillysound.com
Fred Glickstein just sent us a link to some vintage Flock photos from their appearance at The Bath Festival, circa 1970 ... in fact, click back to the Home Page and you'll see some of the other amazing artists on the same bill.
EXCELLENT reviews of The Flock's performance there ... you can check it all out here: Click here: Bath festival 1970-The flock.
You'll also find a number of new videos posted on YouTube:
Lollipops & Rainbows ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-18y0M-D90
Chanja ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67Ccn673k_g
Atlantaians Truckin' Home ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNaZ8c7JKTs
Afrika ... http://www.youtube.com/user/lrh1966#p/u/2/mVp4uvVYSh4
Just Do It ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VVAwVZiOPg
Rain ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm9xqHjP0fw&feature=related
After we ran that short blurb about The Tygers (courtesy of Ron Smith), we heard from The Tygers' Promotor Billy James, who also represents a number of OTHER '60's acts we're sure our list would love to see ...
Hey Kent,
Thanks for mentioning the Tygers new CD on your site - it is quite good!
I represent other 60s acts like The Turtles, Human Beinz and Chocolate Watchband to name a few and will send you updates when they come in.
We're also promoting a brand new CD by original Santana vocalist Gregg Rolie - he has reunioned most of the original Santana Band and is touring and playing Evil Ways and all the hits (they started in 1969)
Thanks again for the Tygers mention!
Billy James / Glass Onyon PR
Be sure to check out Billy's website for some of the latest information regarding many of your other '60's favorites! (kk)
Of course if you're going to mention Milwaukee, you're ALSO likely to hear from Gary Myers, the guy who wrote the book on the Milwaukee Rock Scene!!!
>>>Now, if only the Unchained Mynds could mount a comeback (and what was with Milwaukee groups and vowels?) (Ron Smith)
The Unchained Mynds were actually from LaCrosse.
Gary E. Myers / MusicGem
Hi Kent:
Saw your little blurb on local hits. Cool to have Milwaukee Surveys on the site! You mentioned The Unchained Mynds, who were from Western Wisconsin. "We Can't Go On This Way" was one of the Top 10 hits of the year on WOKY in Milwaukee in 1969. It was #1 for 3 weeks. It also was top 5 on WRIT.