Sunday, May 14, 2023

And Now, from Chuck Buell, A Mother’s Day Story for the Ages …

By mid-1920, the 19th amendment, which would grant all women the right to vote, was on the verge of being enshrined in the Constitution. A total of 35 states had voted to ratify the amendment, and activists needed just one more for the amendment to pass. The problem? There was only one state left to vote: Tennessee.

When lobbyists from both sides descended into Nashville to make their case, it became clear that that vote could end up deadlocked. At the center of the controversy was Harry T. Burn, a 24-year-old politician from an anti-suffrage district known for his readiness to cast his “Nay” vote on the issue.


But when it came time to vote, Burn stunned the assembly with a vote of  . . . “Aye!”  Burn flipped because he had received a letter from his mother imploring him to vote for the amendment and not against it!    


Burn later admitted, “I knew that a mother’s advice is always safest for a boy to follow and my mother wanted me to vote for ratification. So . . . I did!”


Now then, utilizing my Special Chuck Buell Personally Built HealthKit Space-time Continuum Time Warper, join me as we take a Quantum Leap back in time to August 20, 1920  ~~~


“So, Harry, CB here. It was just moments before you were to cast your expected “Nay” vote that you instead formed a like-minded union with your Mother and her viewpoint and voted “Aye” instead!”


“Yes, one could say a Mother and Child Reunion was just a “motion” away!”


“This must have  caused some consternation from those who thought you were going to support their no-passage plans.”


“You’d better believe it did, CB!” But when I first entered politics, Mama said there’ll be days like this, mama said.”


“She also said history would show that this legislative enactment would benefit women for generations to come.”


“That she did!  Mama didn’t lie!”


“Mama Mia!  My, my, she was right!”


“Mama Mia was right!”


“So, you’d go on record as saying you changed your vote because . . .”


“Mama Told Me!  Mama TOLD me!!”


OK, OK, I might have made up that interview part with Harry Bunker, but still . . . .


Now then, here to musically accompany that Phantom Interview is my Special “Chuck Buell Mother’s Day Minute Medley!”




CB  ( which stands for “Caring Boy!” )

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, Everybody!  (kk)