Friday, August 10, 2018


>>>We'll be changing things up a bit moving forward ... many more "random" postings (which eventually could mean multiple postings per day) … as well as some of the longer, more detailed series we've become known for ... so please check back often to ensure that you haven't missed anything.  (kk)
Isn't that what Facebook does?  Are you on Facebook?  I check that every day all the time.  
Yes, I suppose ... kind of … but I want to be BIGGER than Facebook!!!  (lol)
Actually, I don't participate with Facebook ... never have … I barely have enough time to do this and lead any sort of life! 
I just figure that after 20 years of doing this now, people know who we are and where we are ...
They just need to come visit on their own without me constantly prompting them with reminders.  (kk)